New Guy

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I woke up eager for another day of babysitting with the Grimes family. To be honest, that little guy Carl is growing on me. I've been babysitting him for a long time. Rick is like a father to me, but his wife Lori, she's never been fond of me because of my way with words.

Hopping into my jeep, I start my way. Turning my radio on, I can make out the announcement that an officer is injured. Having a bad feeling, I speed a little to get to Carl. Ten minutes later, I'm pulling up to the Grimes house. Lori is with Shane and Carl after he got off of school.

Getting out, I look for him. Finding him in Lori's arms, I could tell he'd been crying. Running to embrace him, I silence him while he sobs into my shoulder. I knew how he felt. My father died over in Afghanistan when I was five years old. It was difficult for me, more challenging for my mom. She didn't take it well at all.

That was weeks ago.

Now we're stranded up at this quarry with various people. Dale, Andrea, and Amy. The Morales family, Jim, T-Dog, Glenn, Jacqui, and two Dixons. This abuse guy Ed, his wife Carol, their daughter Sophia. Then Shane, Lori, Carl, and I.

We have groups that go into the city for food, but the fewer people are better. These things are attracted to sound and light. That makes it hard to get through places with big groups. We were all going to Atlanta for the refuge center. That was the biggest fucking lie ever. Here we are trying to get to a safe place in the middle of the night. They start bombing the damn city.


"Hey Joy, get ya pretty little fine ass out here. We're going on a run!" Was what woke me from my sleep this morning, Merle Dixon's redneck sexist ass. I pull on my black rip jeans, white tank top, and my black boots. Securing four hunting knives to my thighs and two guns to my belt, I walk out from my tent into the hot Georgia heat to get the day started.

"There she is. Our fine Lil lady." Merle said as I walked towards Shanes' jeep to see what the plan was for this run.

"You best shut your mouth Merle before it gets you someplace you don't wanna be." I spit back, not having his shit. I seize the little brush Shane is holding out for me. Rolling his eyes, Merle calls for everyone else who is coming into town among us. Morales, Glenn, Andrea, T-Dog, and Jacqui walk over. Having a more extensive crowd was not sitting well, but I can't back out now. Finishing my hair, I let it fall midway down my chest.

"Alright, Glenn, what's the plan?" I ask.

"Simple in and out. We got more people today, so make sure to stay tight. No loud noise! We haven't checked out a few blocks down from that convenience store yet, so that's where we're heading. Anything goes wrong, run back down a block to get here." He stated while pointing at a building. "Go to the roof for a look over the city." He says orderly.

"Let's go. You heard the man." I glance around before leaving, relatives hugging like it's goodbye for the last time. I turn to see Carl playing with Sophia. I walk over to say goodbye to at least someone. "Hey, little guy. I'm heading out with the rest. Anything you want this time." His usual response is candy or comics.

"See if you can find some skittles please," Carl tells me while getting up from playing cards.

"I'll try. Come here." I pull him into a hug, then pick him up and spin him around. God, I hope nothing ever happens to this kid.

"Ay yo, Jade, come on, we ain't got all day," T-Dog yells. I roll my eyes and let go of Carl.

"You protect your mom, okay? I'll be back soon. I love you!" I say while standing up.

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