Getting Closer

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After a few minutes I got up, and Daryl was picking up Carol while telling her not to look. Once she was on her feet, she turned, weakly slapped his hands away and ran back towards camp. Daryl turned around and looked at me, but I had already wiped my tears away and recomposed myself. More cries came from behind us from Beth.

She began to walk forward to the walkers on the ground. Rick tried to stop her, but she kept going. She walked over to a woman and muttered mom while turning her over. Screaming came from Beth as the walker was not dead but pulling on Beth's hair. Rick, Glenn, and I ran forward. I put my arms under her armpits to pull her up while ricked helped. Glenn was trying to pry off the walker and execute it.

More people came over to help. T-dog, Hershel, and Dale. All helped pull Beth up and check on her. T-dog went around us and stomped the walkers head in ending the whole scare. Beth and her family departed right after and Shane, Rick, Glenn, and I followed. Shane decided to start in on the family.

"We've been out, we've been coming these woods and she has been in the all along? You knew?" he asks in disbelief.

"Leave us alone!" Maggie says as an indirect answer.

"You knew, and you kept it from us." He talks to Hershel now.

"I didn't know." He answers in a small voice.

"That's bullshit, you all knew." He blames.

"We didn't know." Maggie shoots back.

"Then why was she there?" He questions.

"Otis put those people in the barn. It is possible he found her and deposited her in there before he was killed." Hershel suggests. That thought runs through my head. If he did find her then that means she would have died somewhere between an hour after we came back from searching for her and when I got shot. I hang my head in disbelief as I still can't believe she was in there. A hundred yards from us the whole time.

"You expect me to believe that?!" Shane keeps going. "What do I look like, do I look like an idiot to you?"

"YES!" I think. But Shane looks at me Rick stifles a laugh. My cheeks heat up realizing I said it out loud. Meh, I still mean it. Rick gets in between Shane and Hershel trying to relax them down.

"I don't care what you believe!" Hershel yells.

"Everybody just please calm down!" Rick says.

"Get him off my land." Hershel points at Shane. Rick looks at me for some help. But when Shane walks towards Hershel, Maggie steps in and slaps him.

"Hey! Don't touch him! Haven't you done enough?!" I push Shane back and smile at Maggie. They walk back inside the house while Hershel tells us to get off his land another time. Glenn walks inside to talk care of Maggie and I walk off to look for Carl and Carol.

I walk into the RV and find Carol sitting there. I sit next to her, and she lays her head on my shoulder. She had stopped crying by now, but I knew she didn't want to talk about it. I lay my head on hers and shut my eyes. We sit in comfortable silence until someone barges into the RV. I listen to the heavy but sure footsteps and can tell that its Daryl.

"What do you want Daryl?" I question.

"How'd you know it was me?" He asks back.

"Your footsteps, anyway what do you want?" He shrugs and sits on the counter. Carol looks at him and looks at me and I can see in her eyes this is all she has left. Daryl and me. I get up, and I sit next to Daryl. Carol lays her head down, and we go back to silence. Here and there my knee would touch Daryl's thigh, or his arm would touch mine. They always gave me a small tingle throughout my body.

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