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I roll over to lovely bright sunlight coming in through the windows. "Hershel said you could get up today! Start walking around and helping out." Carl cheerfully tells me.

"Carl, thanks, little man. Hey, can you go get me some coffee while I get dressed?" I ask.

He nods yes but says, "Hershel said you need to have someone watch over you." I roll my eyes while sitting up. Feeling light-headed, I close my eyes tight, seeing stars.

"Carl, please go get me something. I would appreciate it." He nods and walks out, shutting the door. I finally stand up, feeling the blood rush to my feet after so long felt nice. I grabbed my bag, slowly putting on my ripped blue jeans, a black tank top, and a lightweight jacket. I put on my black combat boots and put my hair into a ponytail. I strap on my belt with my guns than my knife holders. I leave on my dad's dog tags.

I stroll through the house, coming into the kitchen. I see Carl helping Maggie make me breakfast; I smile. "Thank you," I say, coming up behind Maggie by the counter.

"It's no problem. I'm going to be picking fruit here soon anyway for you guys too." I smile and nod while taking the plate she was handing me.

"Mom and I are going to feed chickens!" Carl informs me.

"Nice." I high-five him.

"Hey, Carl, come on. It's great to see you up and moving about, Jade!" Lori says. I follow them out of the house and onto the porch sitting on the swing as they keep going.

As I'm sitting, I take in the scenery. Long fields in front of the house. Woods in the back. The place looked and felt so untouched. Like they had never had a walker come on their property at all. I close my eyes, listening to the birds and feeling a nice breeze, but once I shut them, I see myself getting beaten over and over again. I shoot up, feeling a slight twinge in my stitches, but nothing runs down. No more sitting, I think.

Having finished the breakfast, I walk back into the house, washing it and putting it back where it belonged. I stop there for a second, looking out the window.

I see Glenn looking at the barn with binoculars until Maggie comes over with a basket. They look to be exchanging harsh words. I pull myself away and out towards where everyone is camping out. While walking through, I get a bunch of 'Hey, look at you,' 'Great to have you back, 'nice to see you up, and even a couple of wolf whistles. I smile and head over to Glenn taking an apple. Soon everyone is running for gun practice.

"You coming?" Shane asks Glenn if he wants to join today.

"I uh have to help Dale clean spark plugs on the RV. He's going to teach me mechanics. So I should put go look for him." He's moving around a lot, I think to myself, and studdering.

"You found me." Dale catches him off guard. I hold back my laughter and almost choke on my apple. "He's a good learner." Dale goes along with the lie. Shane buys it and closes up his truck. He gets in, and they leave. I walk closer to the two.

"Spark plugs, huh?" Dale questions.

"Wanna tell us what's going on?" I interject, putting a hand on my hip. "Well, you're old...You' know things." Glenn corrects himself speaking to Dale. "So, what if somebody told you something that somebody else should know.." he beats around the bush.

"Glenn, stop being dramatic, spit it out." I take a bit of my apple, almost finishing it.

"Ther-There's walkers in the barn, and Lori's pregnant." I spit my bite of apple out, almost hitting Glenn's shirt. Dale stays silent.

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