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*Important A/N small Spanish is used in this chapter.* :p 

The ending to that night was a little rough. Dixon and I haven't spoken much since then, and Rick told me how Morgan was doing and how he lost Duane. Since then we have been slowly taking out walkers, when we do and burn the bodies, it feels like hundreds more take the others place. Over the last three days, I think we've blazed at least a hundred. Today was an important day though, one we all feared but waited for, today we try to make a deal with this Governor, I'm not for it. But yet here I am on the back of Dixon's motorcycle like a seventeen-year-old high school girl.

Following us is Rick and Hershel in Glenn and Maggies green Hyundai Tucson. We pull up around the back following retracing our steps from days ago. Rick follows Daryl and me through the silos. Daryl first with his bow then me and Rick closing. I keep my gun up and to the side while Daryl goes back and forth between the silos, making sure nothing can sneak up. We reach the back area I found with the fence and jog to the back door. Pausing for a breath, Daryl finds a walker on the ground. Fresh blood in and around its forehead from a bullet wound.

"I need you guys out there. Watch each other's backs and mine. Stay safe." Rick points to the windows signaling to watch from there. I nod and pull him in for a quick side hug before following after Daryl. He takes the window closest to the front I get one to the back. From what I can hear, there's a small conversation going on between the two, but their voices are quiet. Finding that one of Daryl's panes of glass is broke, I walk to him.

"What do you fancy sunshine," His eyes stay glued on the two men inside.

"Just here to eavesdrop on the conversation. Can I do that here?" He finally looks at me with a playful look in his eyes.

"Are you asking me for permission, because I don't think I've ever heard you do that." He teases. Turning back towards the conversation, we see that they are now both sitting down at a table. I sigh, thinking this might take a while. Daryl grunts moving from the window and continuing to the front of the warehouse. We squeeze through hay barrels and a big farm truck and round the corner. A small old fashioned windmill sits at the entrances that the Governor must have used. The crunching of gravel sounds to my right as Hersel pulls up beside us.

"He was already there. They're sitting down talking about it now." Daryl walks to his window.

"Am I the only one that doesn't feel good about this?" I say and walk to the road. "Seriously, how'd he get here?"

"I don't see cars," Hershel says. I look down each side of the road, nothing but leaves and paper on them, sighing I walk back.

"No, you're right. It doesn't feel right." Daryl agrees with me. "Keep the car going, might need an escape plan." After the words leave his mouth, the sound of a car echos from somewhere, turning our heads scanning everywhere quickly, we catch one coming from the junkyard across from us. It's a dirty white van with what looks to be old suitcases on top of it. The doors open, and I raise my gun at his head. Seeing him makes me want to kill him where he stands. 

"Hola, Bebe." He whistles at me, trailing his eyes up and down. I raise my gun higher, but more people get out. A man gets out behind him. He has blonde hair, circle glasses, red plaid shirt on with kakis. A female comes around the side of the car, immediately I recognize her by her hair color.

"Why is your boy in there already?" Daryl yells at her. Confusion clouds her face as she begins to rush to the door.

"He's here?" Andrea asks.

"Yeah, sitting down with him having tea," I say to her, my focus still on the Mexican. Andrea charges in there, and it goes back to silence. After a while, we all stopped pointing guns at each other. I was sitting on the ground at the moment, and my ass was starting to go numb. I can't handle being in his proximity anymore, so I get up walking to the back fenced area. I pass the door and Andrea comes back out, walking to me she grabs my arm, I stop.

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