Let's Play Detective

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It had been a day after Dale's death. We gave him a nice funeral. Rick gave a speech, and we vouched to try and unbreak our group. These last few days have been getting cold. Winter isn't that far away maybe a month. Rick and Hershel had just got done talking about us moving in. They said it would be tight with 14 people in one house, but we would have to make it work.My gut wouldn't quiet down. I have such a bad feeling that I would vomit because of it. Rick and I were on high alert though always trying to stay safe. Speaking of Rick he had a change of heart he has decided to cut Randall lose.

I moved my jeep back under the tree but this time facing out towards the road. I had just packed up my tent and was about to walk inside when Maggie met me.

"We haven't got a lot more room left so you are going have to shack up with Daryl. He is in the bedroom you were in when you were shot. You have a rollaway in waiting for you." I hug her and walk into the house. Over the time of being on the farm, Maggie and I became very close, best friends if you would call it that.

I open the door and see Daryl's pack already on the bed. I walk over to the role away and set my tent down. I look out of the window to see people heading off in all directions. I take this as my opportunity to change. I pull the curtains and shut the door locking it and open my pack. I put on a navy blue neck short sleeve shirt, black pants, my leather jacket, a blue beanie, and a gravy scarf. I lace up my boots and secure my weapons and walk out of the room finishing my hair into two French braids.

I go through the house dodging people and backpacks just to make it to the front door. I step into the slightly chilled air and see Daryl and Rick with a map.

"We'll take him out to Senoia. An hour there an hour back give or take. We may lose the light but we'll be halfway home by then." Rick tells Daryl. I walk down to my jeep and throw my backpack in the back and head back up to Rick. I walk around him and lean on a rail. "This little pain in my ass will be a distant memory."

"Good riddance." Daryl rants sitting down on the rail.

"Carol made up some provisions for him. Enough to last a few days." I tell them. They nod at the information.

"That thing you did last night..." Rick trailed off.

"Ain't no reason you should have to do all the heavy lifting," Daryl explains. I look away like some sort of privacy.

"So are you good with all of this?" Rick asks.

"I don't see you and me trading haymakers on the side of the road. Nobody would win that fight." Daryl agreed. Giving the map back to Rick and seeing Shane come toward the three of us he leaves. "I'm gonna take a piss." I stifle a laugh as he walks off making eye contact with me for a second.

"Man, have you seen Carl lately?" Shane asks Rick but getting my attention because I haven't been able to talk to my kid for a while.

"He's inside with his mother." I jump up and go inside to find him. I walk in the door and begin to sneak. I go through the kitchen and pass Maggie and Lori who give me strange looks but laugh once I explain.

Once I round the corner, I spot him in the living area on the ground sitting on blankets. I scream and run at him. Tackling him lightly and then play fighting with him. He flips us over, taking the upper hand. Swing left. Swing right. Headbutt and another swing left. After a few more fake blows to each other, we fall to the floor laughing. I look up to see almost everyone looking at us with a strange smile and some adore in their eyes.

Rick, however, cuts it short asking Carl if he can have a word with him. Carl and I both get up hug each other and go separate ways. My stomach growls and I head for the kitchen. When I pull out the ingredients for a sandwich Patricia, Maggie and Beth walk-in laughing at me.

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