*𝙲𝚞𝚝𝚎 𝙼𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜*

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Namjoon and Minh usually watch others doing aegyo. Though when they're being cute, They get really shy. Like one time when they have finished singing at a concert, Everyone decided to spend some time with Army's.

Army's was asking for aegyo, so they got in teams and Minh was put with Namjoon. They didn't know what to do and when they thought of something they would laugh at each other, embarrassed. When it was their turn, They made it simple.

They decided that Minh would do a little dance and spin to RM, who ended with grabbing Minh only to pull him making a heart over their heads. Everyone including them started to laugh at the gesture.


Jin and Minh always have each other's backs, sending cheeky winks whenever they make eye contact with each other. They have been seen caring and babying each other over the littlest things like the time Min sneezed.

Min doesn't usually get sick so Jin took that as a sign that he wasn't taking care of him well enough. Jin rushed Min to his room burying him in blankets. Min reassured Jin that he was fine, but Jin wouldn't listen.

Jin brought in a bowl of soup, spoon feeding it to Min. Min shrugged and opened his mouth. Knowing Jin, There was no way to talk yourself out of his care. Of course, the treatment goes vice versa. They would do anything, for not only each other but for the whole group.


Mostly it's Minh how forces aegyo on his hyung, but from time to time, Suga doesn't mind doing aegyo first, like the time they were at a fan meet. Minh and V were playfighting about who Army's likes better, which got the attention of Army's.

Army's kept telling them that they loved both of them, but they kept teasing Army's that it wasn't true. Minh pouted, turning to Yoongi before saying, "Suga-Hyung, V is being mean!". He covered his eyes, fake crying. But what everyone didn't expect was for Yoongi to get up and embrace Minh in a back hug, putting his face in the crook of his neck.

Minh froze, before removing his hands from his face and holding Suga's hands, intertwining them with a smile. This caused Army's to go crazy and shook the rest of the members. Suga soon broke the embrace, but not before planting a kiss on Minh's neck.


J-Hope and Minh are mostly around when the other is doing a v-live. They would answer questions Army's had as they messed around. One time when J-Hope was doing a v-live, Minh was laying on his hyung's bed on his phone, until Hobi called him over.

Minh made his way there even though he didn't feel like standing up. When he got there, J-Hope pulled him onto his lap, wrapping his hands around Minh's waist. Minh tried to get up, but Hobi tightened his grip.

Minh sighed, sitting there. J-Hope seemed satisfied as he would kiss Minh cheek from time to time to get a response from Min and Army.


Jimin and Minh live for the skinship they share, so it isn't surprising when you see both of them together cuddling or hands interlocked. One of those cute moments happened when they were at the dance studio.

They were all practicing on the choreo to their new song. They were on their break, so Minh was sitting on his phone. Jimin came over to him, poking at him. He stopped after not getting a reaction out of his hyung but was pulled back. He stumbled and fell into Minh.

Minh put Jimin in between his legs, arms around Jimin, holding him. Jimin hid his face, while Minh laughed at his reaction. Minh kissed his Jawline, causing Jimin to blush more. The others either teased Jimin or cooed at them together.


Taehyung and Minh are the aliens in BTS and they don't mind. The two are usually seen doing crazy things like standing on top of the couch screaming lyrics to the song that is blasted for hours or watching K-Dramas in the middle of the night. So it wasn't weird when night came and Taehyung asked if Minh was up for a K-Drama marathon.

So that night, Both of them set up the living room with blankets and pillows from everyone's rooms. Both sat in the makeshift tent, excited for the marathon. Tae smiled, putting on the drama. It got to a point where Tae started to get bored. Tae turned to Minh whose attention was on the drama played like he didn't want to miss a second of it. Tae decided to call out his name to annoy him, his voice going higher and cuter.

Minh wanted to turn to see what he wanted, but he didn't want to miss a single part of the drama. When the episode was over, Minh faced Taehyung who was pouting. "What's wrong, Cutie?", Minh asked. "Hyungie didn't pay attention to me", He whined. Minh sighed, connecting their foreheads, looking Tae in the eyes.

Tae seemed to freeze, looking at his hyung. Some time passed as none of them said anything. Minh laughed, pulling away from Tae. Tae looked as his hyung, confused. "You forgot about pouting after I did that. You're so cute." Tae blushed, turning to the forgotten drama and playing it so they can forget what had just happened.


Jungkook and Minh were at the gym when Jungkook let out a groan clutching his leg. Minh immediately stopped doing his routine, rushing to attend to his dongsaeng who was laying on the floor. Minh knelt down knowing what was happening, Jungkook was having a hamstring.

He rose Jungkook's leg, relaxing his muscles which took away some of the pain. Minh repeated that Jungkook should take deep breaths and try to focus on something else. Jungkook tried, but failed still releasing some groans.

Minh leaned down and started planting small kisses on JK's face, trying to get his mind off of his pain. Jungkook's groans subsided, turning into laughter. He would scrunch his face when Minh kissed him on this nose, laugh whenever Minh kissed behind his ear or on his forehead. Soon, Both of them forgot about Jungkook's pain that had subsided, their attention on the innocent kisses shared.


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