^ 𝚃𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚜 ^

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💜 Min's POV 💜

After the long journey from the U.S, I was finally in Seoul. I was in the car provided for me to go back home to the others as I looked out the window rubbing my eyes tiredly. I hadn't gotten a lot of sleep on the plane, so I was ready to go home and immediately get in bed. I let my eyes wander to the white plastic bag I had come back with.

I smiled knowing exactly what would happen when I arrived home. The car came to a halt as the driver announced my arrival. I thanked him as I got out of the car. He helped take out my luggage before returning into his car. I thanked him again before he drove off, waving. I let out a sigh as I made my way towards the place I call home.

Every step made me feel more tired than I already was, convincing myself that I just had a few more steps to take. I heaved a sigh of relief when I finally made it. I knocked on the door which didn't take long to open. "Minho-Hyung! You're here!", I scrunched my face in slight irritation. "Please Tae, Don't be so loud. I'm really tired.", I told him before grabbing my luggage and tiredly pulling it in.

Tae closed the door behind me taking the luggage from me as I removed my shoes. I smiled at him thanking him for helping me. He quickly dragged the bag to my room, coming back in a hurry. I looked in the living room seeing the others staring back at me.
"Hey, Minh",
"Hey, Hyung",
"How was your trip?",
"How do you feel?",
"We missed you",
"Welcome back",

They all greeted with smiles on their faces. I rolled my eyes knowing they were nice for a reason. "Did you bring it?", The others glared at Tae who seemed to be too excited to wait. I showed them the white bag causing all their eyes to be fixated on it. It went silent as the others looked at the bag. It stayed that way for a while until I dropped the bag.

Immediately it hit the ground, Everyone rushed over. I took steps back as they rummaged through the bag trying to get what they wanted. I laughed as they fought each other to get their snacks. Every time I went to the U.S, The others would ask me to get something for them. It all started a while ago when I brought random snacks for them to try.

Each of them seemed to select the one they wanted. I heard Namjoon let out a victorious yell as he lifted up his snack. He always reminded me to bring something with meat so I did. "Beef Jerky!", Namjoon screamed as he returned to his place on the couch. I continued to laugh at the others attempt to get their snacks.

Jin rose with two bags of chips ahoy in his hand. Jin had seen them in ads and told me to get them for him. "You know what the chips said to the sailor?", I smiled already knowing the answer. "What?", I still asked. "Ahoy!", He finished laughing, his windshield wiping laugh made me laugh. Hoseok jumped to his feet yelling, "Yay! Sour Paths!", I furrowed my eyebrows. "You mean Sour Patch-", "Yeah that.", I rolled my eyes.

I felt arms around me which drew my attention away from the maknae line trying to get their own treats. "Thanks, MinMin", I hugged Yoongi back as he used his usual nickname. "You're welcome", I saw the two bags of lays in his hand. Yoongi usually asked me to bring back chips. It depended on his mood whether he wanted me to bring back regular chips or spicy ones. He let go of me, probably going to his room to enjoy his snacks.

I returned my gaze towards the three remaining members fighting each other. These three had sweet tooth's which made them ask me to buy something sweet. Jimin smiled as he ran towards me, bringing me into a hug. "Thanks, Minnie-Hyung", Jimin gave me a closed eye smile which I couldn't help, but coo at him.

Tae joined in on the hug putting his head on my shoulder. "Thanks, Joonie-Hyung", He whispered in my ear before turning to go into the living room. I looked at the remaining one still kneeling. He looked upset looking at the empty bag. Looking up, Jungkook pouted walking over to me. "Hyung, You didn't get it?", He asked whining.

I glared at him slightly annoyed. Jungkook was indecisive whenever I asked him if he wanted something. He would always tell me, no, but last minute he would beg me to get him his favorite snack. I couldn't blame him though. Jungkook was trying to complete a diet, but he knew it would take a while to get him his snack again.

I reached into the bag slung at my waist. I brought out a pack of Oreos which made his eyes filled with joy. He gave me a cute smile that made my irritation fade. "Thanks, Hyung", He took the Oreos going to the others in the living room. I yawned the exhaustion of my trip hitting me. I walked to my room meeting Yoongi laying on my bed.

I smiled before removing the bag I was still carrying. I decided to take a quick shower, changing into something comfortable, before laying on the bed. Yoongi pulled me close to him, cuddling me. He gave me a kiss behind my ear like he always did before telling me to get some rest. I thanked him before I drifted off to sleep.


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