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| Meeting|

Before TXT announcement

I was walking past Namjoon's room towards my own when I overheard something.
"Yes, Sir. I am fully aware of how the others will react to this, so I'll won't tell them."

I stopped in my tracks, looking at the door confused.

What won't he tell us?

I didn't want to seem nosy, but I was really curious. I leaned on the door, putting my ear on the door to listen more on the conversation.

"My opinion on the new group? I trust you will pick the best for the group like you did for ours."

My eyes widened.

Bighit's getting a new group?

I thought about it for a few seconds.

I didn't realize i let out a loud 'Yes!' escaped me until I heard Namjoon stop talking.

I immediately sprinted to my room before he could realize it was me. I slammed the door shut just as I heard the door to his room up. I closed my eyes, hoping he hadn't guessed it was me. I waited till his door shut before letting out a sigh of relief.

The though came to me again.

A new band in Bighit.

More dongsaeng to baby

I awed at the thought. I just had to act like I didn't hear anything, but I know that won't last long.

After TXT's announcement

Today, We got to see our new dongsaengs practice and I was ecstatic.

I know the others had meet some omg them and they have even seen their profiles online, but I haven't.

I wanted to see them in person together, so I waited a little longer. Of course the others teased me about it and Jungkook, being the brat he is, always tried to spoil their introduction for me. Thankfully, They didn't.

"Ok. We can go in now-"

I didn't let Namjoon finish him sentence, opening the door to see five confused faces. I smiled, walking up to them.


Their eyes widened, immediately getting up to bow. I patted their head, messing with it a little. The others walked in with scolding me for scaring them.

"It's nice to finally meet all of you."

They shyly smiled which made my laugh.

"You know Min has been waiting to meet you guys." I nodded. "He wouldn't even look at your introduction video because 'he wanted to meet you in person'" I hit Jungkook who did and impersonation of me. It caused everyone to laugh, lifting the tension in the air a little.

"Since you haven't seen our introduction, We'll introduce ourselves to you."

They got in a line before saying, "One Dream! Hello, We're TOMORROW X TOGETHER."

One took a step forward introducing himself.

"Hello, My name is Soobin and I'm the leader of this group." I walked up to him, putting my hand on his shoulder making him flinch a little.

"I can tell you'll be a great leader just believe in yourself, Ok?" He nodded, making me drop my hand so he can take a step back.

"I'm Yeonjun. I'm the oldest in the group." He came out confidently. "Oh, You're the oldest. Why aren't you leader?"

He got nervous which made me laugh. "I'm kidding, but you will have to take care of the others. They'll need someone to talk to and as the oldest their instinct is to come to you. " He nodded, taking a step back.

"Hello, I'm Beomgyu." He said shyly. I cooed at his cuteness. "Stay cute." He looked tilted his head in confusion which only made him more cuter. "Just stay cute. That's it." He nodded still in confusion before taking a step back.

"Hi, I'm Taehyun." I look at Taehyung for a second before looking forward. I could hear him laugh as I tried not to laugh as I stood in front of Taehyun. "You seem mature. I'll just say if Yeonjun isn't doing his job, I put you in charge." Everyone laughed as Yeonjun bowed his head in embarrassment. Taehyun nodded, taking a step back.

"I'm the Maknae, Hueningkai." I smiled at him, placing my hand on his head. "Please. Don't be a brat like Jungkook."


He smiled, nodding. He took a step back, ending their introduction. "Know that you can always come to any of us. As your hyungs, We are here if you need advice or if you just want to talk."

Namjoon nodded, "Don't be afraid to approach us anytime." They nodded. We spent sometime getting to know each of them individually. Soon, It was time for us to go. We said our goodbyes before we left.

"Waiting that long was so worth it."

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