• 𝑅𝑜𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑠 •

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Being roommates with Namjoon only meant one thing, Loud Snoring. His loud snoring always kept Minh up all night. He tried everything to get some sleep including earplugs, but nothing seemed to help.

One day, Minh managed to talk to Namjoon about it, which was quite an awkward conversation. Namjoon apologized with a blush on his face. Minh told him not to worry about it and there was no need to apologize. Minh made him know that it's normal and it would help if he just kept it down a bit.


When Jin and Minh were roommates, Minh would always get nagged at for leaving his clothes on the floor when he came back from the studio. Jin found the need to help pick it up, but it kept happening so he decided to bring it up.

Minh immediately apologized, feeling guilty about inconveniencing Jin. Jin continued to scold Minh for his behavior to which Minh listened to. Whenever Minh came back from the studio, he would remember Jin's scolding, causing a shiver to go down his spine, before heading to the bathroom making his way to the laundry room right after.


With Yoongi, Everyday was a lazy day. He would lay in bed and barely come out to do anything. Minh would always try to get him off of his bed to do something other than sleep but to no avail.

This would happen constantly, sometimes resulting in arguments. Minh would soon give up and decided to go do something else. Yoongi would be happy that his annoying dongsaeng finally left him alone.


Hoseok and Minh were great roommates. Both of them helping each other whenever they found it necessary.

The two would mostly be found in the dance studio practicing together, but when they're at home, They would either be talking or bothering someone. The two were the total sunshine duo, bringing light to any room.


Jimin and Minh were total cuddle buddies, so Minh would barely leave the room without Jimin latched onto him.

Minh didn't mind though. Both of them were really close so it didn't really feel weird when one of them needed attention from the other. Sometimes they would sleep together wrapped in each other's embrace.


Being Tae's roommate only meant more fun for both of them. They would have sleepovers and play games until they crashed.

Both of them enjoyed each other's company so it wasn't strange to see them completely drained the next day. Some days, They would wake up, their bodies entangled, with the sheets everywhere from the day before.


Minh wouldn't admit it, but he really admired Jungkook. The golden Maknae always had a soft spot in his heart. Unfortunately, Jungkook knew that. So when they were roommates, Jungkook would use that to his advantage.

When he would be back from the gym, Jungkook would find Minh in bed. Jungkook would flop on his bed whining which would catch Minh's attention. Jungkook would complain about how stressful his workout was which would concern Minh.

Minh would help Jungkook relax, bring him anything he asked for, not wanting him to overwork himself. Jungkook would let a mischievous smirk appear on his face as he wouldn't have to move a finger for the rest of the day.


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