^𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑅𝑢𝑛 𝐵𝑇𝑆^

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The staff had scheduled a special 'Run BTS' for Army's, so we all were on our way to the studio where it would be done. We had begged the staff to tell us at least a little of what would happen. After a lot of begging, They finally told us, 'Blitz would be the main focus of the Run'. Everyone erupted in 'Oooh's' and 'Aaah's". I, on the other hand, blushed at the sudden attention being put on me. I started to grow nervous. Why did I need to be the main focus? What if I mess up?

Jin seemed to notice my worry and hugged me from behind causing me to jump slightly. I heard him laugh lightly before whispering, 'Everything would be ok', before kissing my neck. I relaxed in his arms, smiling slightly and thanking him for calming me down. He nodded saying 'What's a Hyung for?'. I smiled before turning around to pull him into a hug. Namjoon announced that our ride was here so we made our way out and into the car. I had sat in between Suga and J-Hope. J-hope seemed to be excited for me and kept reassuring me that it probably a party to celebrate me which caused to laugh.

Yoongi smiled at me and put his hand around my shoulder pulling me in for a hug which I returned. He kissed the top of my head before letting me go. I leaned in and kissed Yoongi on the cheek, thanking him. He smiled saying, 'You didn't need to thank me for that' which made me smile brightly. Soon, we made it to the studio where the staff was still setting up. The make-up artists and stylists ushered us to the dressing to get ready for shooting. I was always the easiest to dress since the stylist told me I fit everything they wore me, but this time they took longer. They put me in different styles from casual to chic to many others. They finally decided to go with this:

I finally came out of the dressing room and saw the others sitting around talking

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I finally came out of the dressing room and saw the others sitting around talking. Tae was the first to notice me and he immediately smirked before whistling. "You look good today. Took you awhile.", He complimented making the others turn to me. The others also commented on my change in style and how it looked good on me. I blushed telling them to stop, but they just continued causing me to get even more embarrassed. They erupted in laughed at their success in teasing me.

When it died down, The staff finally told us it was time to start filming so the others stood up for us to get in position. It went V, Jin, Jimin, Me, Jungkook, Suga, RM, and J-Hope. When given the signal, We introduced ourselves like we normally did. After, RM decided to take over. " Welcome to another episode of Run BTS", Namjoon said to start the show. We all smiled wanting to make a welcoming aura. Soon after the introduction, The staff finally revealed what today's challenge was. They held up a sign which read, 'Shades of Blitz'. Everyone erupted in Oooh's' and 'Aaah's". "Today, You all will be answering different questions to show how much you know about Blitz.", The man explained. "We will see who knows Blitz the most." And like that the game started.

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