!Hangouts Gone Wrong!

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This is a warning and an apology for the language I used in this.

If you are triggered by homophobic insults then I would suggest you don't read this.

You've been warned!

Namjoon thought it would be a great idea to spend some time with Min, so he decided to take Min out to hangout. They stopped at a library which Namjoon entered, leaving Min outside. Min waited patiently until he was confronted by a lady. She seemed to be in her late thirties, so Min immediately bowed.

Min wasn't expecting a hard blow to his head which sent him downwards. The woman started to scream at Min on how Namjoon and Min acted like a couple. How sinful it was. "Ma'am, I would prefer if you didn't hit people if you're not sure of the situation." Namjoon helped Min up, glaring at the woman before they left.

Jin and Min stopped at a small cafe to get something to eat after being out all day. They entered, going to get something before sitting down. They engaged in a a conversation which made laughs erupted from the duo. Suddenly, Someone slammed their hands on their table.

They started screaming at the two for thinking it was right for the same gender to be together and how disgusting it was. Jin got up, ushering Min out with him before trying to cheer up his dongsaeng from their frightening experience.

Min had finally been able to get Yoongi out of his room. Min just wanted to take a walk for the both to get some fresh air. They were passing by a group of guys who just had to open their mouths. "See them. They're a couple of Dick suckers."

Yoongi stopped in his tracks about to say something until Min stopped him. "I'm not going to let him say that about you.", "Hyung, It's fine. Let's just go. There's no point in retaliating. We have a career to focus on." After a few minutes of thinking, Yoongi sighed, nodding his head and following Min with an annoyed expression. They decided it was best to go home after that.

Hoseok was doing a small dance while Min sat down watching him with a smile on his face. Min were sitting on a bench completely tired while Hoseok tried to 'Pass his energy' to Min through a cute dance. Suddenly, Hoseok was shoved causing his to stumble over his feet.

Thankfully, Min got up in time to catch him. They were met with yells on how irritating it is to watch them be together, but Min didn't seem to care. Min attended to his hyung tuning out the yelling. Eventually, The person left which was a relief to the duo.

It seemed that the person hadn't injured Hoseok in anyway, so the two left a little shaken up. "I'm sorry, Hyung. If I got up faster, We wouldn't have ran into that person.", "It's not your fault. We can't be responsible for someone else's actions."

Min piggybacked Jimin to an ice cream cart which caused Min to stop. Min thought it would be a good idea to get ice cream after their little 'adventure' which Jimin agreed to. They got their ice cream enjoying their time together until Jimin was shoved into Min, spilling him ice cream all over Min.

They heard laughs erupted from the group of guys who they assumed caused the accident. As Jimin apologized, getting tissues from the cart, The group mocked him. "Aww, He's pleading to be forgiven. Well, He beg to go down on his knees too."

Min glared at the group of guys, but his attention was immediately given to the stifled sobs coming from Jimin. Min frowned as he grabbed Jimin's hand, walking towards the exit. "I'm sorry, Minnie-Hyung. I just started crying."

Min turned to Jimin, running his hand through Jimin's hair and kissing his forehead to calm him. "You don't need to apologize. It wasn't your fault." They went back home after, since Min didn't feel comfortable covered in ice cream.

Taehyung laughed as Min stoke another pose with a hat on his head. They had been looking for clothes to buy and they were just playing around with the accessories. Taehyung grabbed a pair of funny looking glasses before putting it on which made Min burst out in laughter.

When Min's laughter died down, He realized the smile faded from Tae's face. Min was about to ask until he heard the whispers coming from a couple ahead of them. They talked about how disturbing it was for the pair to show themselves in public after the relationship we were in.

Taehyung removed the glasses, revealing the tears that were building up in his eyes. Min dropped the hat, pulling him to the exit. "Tae. They don't deserve your tears." Tae nodded, trying to calm himself as they made their way home, empty handed.

Jungkook wanted to stop to get some food, so they stopped to get takeout. They waited for their order, talking and enjoying each other's company. Then, A woman in her late thirties approached to them.

She started screaming on how the couple were a disgrace to the parents and they should be disappointed in themselves. Jungkook tried to calm the woman, but it only resulted in more insults. Min cut the woman short after seeing Jungkook's teary eyes.

"It's none of your business who we choose to be with, so I suggest you just keep your comments to yourself." Grabbing Jungkook's wrist, They left feeling upset and annoyed.


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