&$!#% Cursed At pt2 &$!#%

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{Maknae Line}

Min hates the thought of hurting Jimin which makes him baby Jimin the most. Jimin loved how Min would take care of him, but it could get annoying sometimes. Once when Min was helping Jimin get up after falling, Jimin raised his voice telling Min that he didn't need help for everything. Min's eyes widened before turning angered. Min shoved Jimin to the floor. Min yelled at Jimin that he was just trying to look after him. In the end, Min cursed at Jimin, irritation lacing his words, before leaving behind a teary Jimin.
Tae loved annoying Min because he knew Min wouldn't get mad or at least that was what he thought. Min was talking to Namjoon when Tae walked into the room. Whenever Min would try to reply to Namjoon, Tae would cut him off with either him talking or loud noises. Min didn't mind at first, but Tae continued to do it every time he tried to talk which caused Min to stand up. Glaring at Tae, Min yelled at Tae to shut up. Unfortunately, It didn't end there. Curses left Min's mouth before he could stop them. Tae ran away, not wanting to hear anymore, causing Min to finally stop. Namjoon scolded Min for what he did before going to comfort Tae.
Min and Jungkook's rivalry would sometimes lead to arguments which was what happened this time. Everyone was hanging out in the living room eating the two compete. In the end, Jungkook won earning praises from the others. Min smiled getting up to go to his room when Jungkook's voice stopped him. Jungkook bragged that he was better that his hyung which made Min annoyed, but Min didn't say anything. Then Jungkook said that was why Armys' liked him better than Min. The room went silent as Min turned around to look at Jungkook. Min yelled at Jungkook for thinking that Armys' didn't like that equally, curses accompanying his statement. Min eventually left as Jungkook hung his head in embarrassment.


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