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I ran away, but I didn't see it.

"Watch out!"

I looked to the side, meeting eyes with bright lights.

Then, it hit me....


ᴮᴵᴾ ᴮᴵᴾ ᴮᴵᴾ

My eyes fluttered open to the sound of an alarm.

My head ached, making the sound more annoying than it already was.

I slammed my hand on the alarm, finally stopping the constant noise it was making.

Then, I started to think.

"Where I'm I?"

I looked around the room, puzzled. Then the realization hit me.

It was all a dream?

I looked at my phone, going to my email. I searched...

And searched...

And searched...


"It was all a dream."

I dropped my phone, running my hand through my hair.


I rushed to look at the notification.

My expression dropped as I read,
'Plane Flight'

It was all a dream.

I let out a sigh, getting off my bed and heading to the bathroom to get ready for my flight.

Then, who were those guys?

All we did,
Was all those just a part of my dream?

I put on my clothes, still rethinking what happened.

I take one more look around the room, before thinking,

"Maybe not all dreams can come true."

I hang my head, the realization of my defeat sinking in.

All the memories were just his imagination. His dream used to make a world where he fulfilled all he wanted, but in the end not all dream are destined to come true.

Min left that day. On that plane with his hopes crushed.

Though, there were 7 boys who gathered together. Whose dreams came true. Was that a missed opportunity or bad luck?

Min had it all planned out.

But as time went on.

The memories...

along with his dream...




Hope you guys enjoyed Min's story, but unfortunately this is where it comes to an end.

Thank you all for your support.

I love you guys.


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