•𝚂𝚕𝚎𝚎𝚙 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚕𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚜•

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💜 Min's POV 💜

"Minjoonie-Hyung! Come on! Come with us!"

I rolled my eyes at Jungkook's attempt to get me out of bed. Jungkook had convinced Jimin and Tae to go to the arcade with him, but I knew better than to give into his pleads.

"No, Jungkook. I'm not going. I'm not paying for you to use the machines, just go with Jimin and Tae. They'll pay... probably."

I turned in my bed, completely tired. I had gone to the dance studio, practicing our new choreo even though it was a rest day. Hoseok didn't want to go with me since he was going out with Yoongi.

"But Namjoon and Jin went out too. Why can't we all go out together?" I glared at Jungkook causing him to flinch and take a step back.

"Leave. Now." He nodded, looking down before leaving. I let out a sigh after he left, enjoying the silence.

A smile came across my face knowing I'll be alone and there won't be anyone to disturb me for a while. My eyes fluttered closed as I let myself drift into complete darkness.


Min's eyes slowly opened looking around at his almost pitch-black room. Min guessed it may have been night already, so he didn't think much of it. Min tried to reach out for his phone which was placed on his bedside table, but he realized fast that he couldn't move.

Min tried to move his hands, legs and even tried to make a sound, but not a single sound was heard. Min decided to look around his room, making sure it wasn't a prank or something the others came up with. Suddenly, Min's eyes caught something.

Min narrowed his eyes, trying to decipher the shape of the person who seemed to be standing in the corner of his room. All of a sudden, the person started to move closer, causing Min to feel uneasy. The person hadn't said a word which made fear build up inside Min's chest.

Min couldn't move a muscle and he was terrified thinking about the intentions of the person approaching him. Min tried to thrash in bed, trying to regain feeling in his body, but Min couldn't move no matter how hard he tried.

The person kept getting closer which only made Min's fear grow.

Min started to think back to when Jungkook ask him to go out with them.

'This wouldn't have happened if I just listened to Jungkook and went with them.'

Min felt his chest tighten as he recognized the person in front of him. Standing at the foot of his bed was him?

Min saw an exact replica of himself, looking down at his motionless body. Min tried to scream as loud as he could, but his lips wouldn't move like he wasn't in control of his body anymore. Min closed his eyes, screaming out for the members. 'Maybe the others were back and they could help me.'








But it just felt like it all happened in his head. It felt like he was just screaming to himself.

Min started to calm down, thinking of different things that would calm him down. When Min didn't feel as scared as he did, Min chose to open his eyes.

It took a little while to adjust to his still pitch-black room, but Min wasn't met with his replica. Though, Min couldn't still move his body, He was relieved that the figure was gone.
Then, the replica appeared in front of Min, letting out an ear piercing scream.


I immediately sat up from bed, letting a loud yell.
"Come down."
"It's ok, Baby. Yoongi's here."

I looked around me, seeing Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi. I immediately hugged Namjoon, resting my head on his shoulder. I could feel myself trembling as I tried to forget about what I just experienced.

"Minnie, We tried to wake you up, but you wouldn't mo-",
"I was so scared it came closer and closer. I couldn't move at all. I tried to call for you guys, but I couldn't talk. I didn't have any control."

Namjoon translated what I said since I spoke most of what I said in English. I would speak English in between my sentences whenever I was angry, nervous or scared which seemed to concern the trio more.

I tried to calm down as Namjoon rubbed circles in my back. After, Yoongi and Jin told me how they had found me in that state and we're completely terrified.

They told me about where they went and how they all met up. They came back after they realized I was home alone. Jin came to check up on me and saw me laying still. He tried shaking me, but I wouldn't do a thing.

He called for Namjoon and Yoongi who came in confused at Jin's yelling. They saw how I wasn't moving and tried to wake me up, fearing the worst had happened.

Namjoon thought it was best to see a doctor just in case. We decided not to tell the maknae line as to not worry them. Yoongi told Hoseok what had happened, asking him to find an excuse to why we were gone.

At the hospital, The doctor explained that I was under sleep paralysis. It was a medical condition which was caused from my increased stress, disorganized sleep patterns and sleep deprivation.

Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi reassures the doctor they would take care of everything and with no other problem I was able to leave the hospital.

After a long scolding from all three of them, They all looked at me with serious expressions.

"Min. You know we're only doing this because we care about you." I looked down, nodding as I started to feel guilty.

"Baby, I can tell you feel guilty. It wasn't your fault. We just need to keep a closer eye on you.",
"But, don't you feel like I'm a burden to you. I'm always being taken care of." I looked at them with tears in my eyes.

"Minnie, You're never a burden. You always helping around whenever you can.",

"And you always take care of us, so we're just repaying the favor." I closed my eyes, feeling a kiss being placed on my forehead, making me smile.

They did take care of me after that, making sure I was in bed on time, kept a good sleeping schedule and didn't overwork myself. I couldn't ask for anything more.


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