• 𝚃𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 •

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Namjoon was walking passed Min's room until he heard silent cries coming from the room. Namjoon knocked on the door which silenced the cries. "Minjoonie, Are you in there?", There was no response so Namjoon opened the door cautiously.

In the darkroom, Min sat with his knees pressed to his chest. Namjoon flicked on the light taking small steps towards Min, trying his best not to alarm him. Namjoon got to the bed, sitting in front of his dongsaeng, looking at him with a concerned expression. Min didn't say a thing when Namjoon asked him what was wrong, so Namjoon stayed there until Min felt like talking about what made him so upset.

Jin was on his way to the kitchen when he saw Min's head down wiping tears that were falling from his eyes unto his cheeks. Jin got closer to Min which caught Min's attention. Min hid his face avoiding eye contact with his hyung.

Jin didn't have to ask pulling Min towards the kitchen. Jin made Min something light but calming, hoping to relax his dongsaeng. Min accepted it letting out shaky breaths. "It's ok, Minnie.", Jin said wiping the stray tears still evident on Min's face. Jin comforted Min until Min assured him that he was truly ok.

Yoongi was awoken by cries coming from outside his door. Yoongi got up reaching his door before opening it. Yoongi looked to his right only to find Min sitting on the floor, looking up at him. Min's face was covered in dry tears like he had been crying for a while.

Yoongi crouched down to Min's level causing Min to back away slightly. "What's wrong, Cutie?", Yoongi asked with a small smile. Min looked at his hyung a dejected expression on his face. Yoongi pulled Min into his chest hugging his dongsaeng. Soon, Min started to hiccup letting the tears fall as Yoongi patted his back.

Hoseok froze when he saw Min rush into his room. Hoseok thought of the teary face of Min as he walked towards Min's door. Hoseok knocked on the door lightly. "Hey Angel, You in there?", Hoseok asked feeling guilty hearing silent cries coming from the room.

Hoseok's face light up as an idea came into his head. Hoseok started making cute noises from the other side of the door trying to hear even a little laughter from his dongsaeng. Soon, Hoseok heard the laughter he was waiting to hear. "Can I come in?", Min opened the door a small smile on his face as he looked at his hyung. Hoseok helped distract Min which helped Min keep his mind from the topic that upset him.

Jimin had opened the door to Min's room only to meet with teary eyes. Min put on a smile for Jimin trying to hide the sadness he felt. Jimin rushed to Min asking him what he was upset about. Even though Min tried to change the subject, Jimin forced Min to talk about what was upsetting him. Eventually, Min let out a sigh looking away from Jimin.

Jimin saw the tears finally slipping from his eyes. "Please don't feel sad. I'm here.", Jimin pulled Min into a hug, rubbing his back. Jimin told Min comforting words trying to cheer his hyung up. Min pulled away from the hug, thanking Jimin for cheering him up. Jimin smiled, "No problem."

Taehyung visited the gym to look for Min since he wanted to hand out with his hyung. Suddenly, a loud thud was heard from the gym that made Taehyung jump. Taehyung cautiously took slow steps towards the gym. Tae peered into the room only to find Min tugging on his hair. Tae's eyes wandered the room only to find his phone at the corner of the room.

Tae looked back at Min, freezing when he saw Min looking back at him. Tae saw tears rolling down Min's face. Min hid his face as he started crying. Tae took quiet steps towards his hyung before wrapping him in a hug. "It's ok, Minho-Hyung. Let it all out.", Tae let Min stay in his arms rubbing circles in his back ever-so-often.

Jungkook heard the song play for the hundredth time in the dance studio. Jungkook remembered Min leaving to go to the studio so Jungkook decided to see his hyung. Jungkook heard the song finally stop. Jungkook let out a sigh of relief ready to open the door to surprise Min until he heard sobs. Jungkook put his ear on the door trying to make sure of what he heard.

Jungkook heard sobs echoing around the studio making him open the door. Jungkook found Min on the floor hands over his face and drenched in sweat. Min looked at Jungkook before looking away, avoiding the maknae's eyes. "Is Mr.Kook crying?", Min couldn't help but laugh at the poor use of his nickname. "Shut up.", Min smiled causing Jungkook to do the same at his successful attempt to cheer up his hyung. Jungkook kept messing with Min, making Min laugh or smile.


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