||Happy Namjoon Day||

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Three birthdays so close together.

Namjoon's POV
Today pasted by so fast.

First, The surprise decorations and cake then the presents, but there was someone I didn't receive a present from.


He usually gave me his present before everyone else because he always wanted to be the first to make me smile.

But this time he was silent and avoided everyone's gaze. I tried to confront him about it, but I'd always be distracted by something or one of the others.

In the end, I ended up forgetting about it and enjoying the most of my birthday.

Now, I sat on my desk trying to focus on the song I was working on. Suddenly, I heard a knock on my door which caught my attention. Soon, The door opened, revealing Min.

"Joonie-Hyung, Are you busy?"

"No, Minjoonie. What do you need?"

I watched as he came in hesitatly with his head lowered. I rose an eyebrow as I saw his hands were hiding something behind me.

"Little Joon, What are you hiding?"

"Nothing." He avoided my gaze indicating that he was definitely hiding something.

"If you broke something, I'll forgive you. Just tell me."

He looked confused for a moment before shaking his head.

"No, It's nothing like that. It's just..."

I waited for him to continue, but he just looked at the ground nervously.

"Minjoonie, You know you can tell me anything right?"

He nodded, still hesitating. I let out a sigh, looking at his nervous expression. I waited until he finally spoke.

"Ok. I'll tell you, but you need to close your eyes."


"Just please."

I gave into his pleading, closing my eyes and waiting to be told to open them. I heard him moving around, but I restrained myself from opening my eyes. After a short while, I heard him say, "You can open your eyes now."

When I did, I was meet with a small journal being outstretched to me. I looked at Min who just ushered for me to take it. I did, opening the book and reading through it. As I read the words, I started to understand what he had given me. It was a bunch of rough drafts of songs.

About Me

"I didn't really know what to get you for your birthday." I looked up at Min, who had a guilty expression on his face.

"I tried looking for things from stores or making something, but I didn't know what to do or get."

I looked at the different words he used to describe me.






I didn't realize I had moved until I had Min wrapped in my embrace. I could tell he was taken aback from the sudden sign of affection, but he soon wrapped his hands around me.

"I love it. Thank you."

"But it's just a bunch of random sentences that don't even go together."

"It's the thought that counts."

There was silence before Min spoke again.

"Jungkook is right. You're turning into an old man."

I laughed at his remark, pulling away from the embrace to mess with his hair.

"I mean it. Thank you."

"You're welcome, Joonie-hyung. I'm happy I could give you something you liked. I should go now."

I nodded as he left the room, more happier than he entered. I looked at the book again before flipping through more pages.

It's just feels nostalgic to think of all the lives we have helped with our music. It just brings a smile to my face thinking that we were no one until we all came together to form this band. I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.


Happy birthday Namjoon.

It's amazing to see someone as amazing as you still be the same over the years.

Some people changed because of their growing popularity, but you have remained the same.

I love you and hope you keep believing in yourself.

I'm happy for you and hope you love yourself like we love you.

Have a great Joonie Day.

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