•𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚢 𝙱𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝙼𝚢 𝙲𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚌𝚘 𝙲𝚊𝚝•

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A little late.

"Just one more time."

I blinked several times to keep my tired eyes from closing as I continued. I had been practicing for hours and my exhaustion was taking a toll on me.

I sat in the dance studio for hours trying to perfect the gift I had planned for Jimin.

I sighed as I heard the wrong note echo which bounced off the empty halls, forcing me to start all over again. The more I played the tired I got from hearing the harmonic sounds.


Soon, the song comes to an end which made an accomplished smile make its way onto my face. Finally, I get up off the floor and start to make my way towards the exit.

The feeling of relief washes over me as I finally return home. I close the door softly behind me to not wake anyone up. I tiptoe to the kitchen to see if I can get something to eat before heading to bed. I opened the refrigerator and rummage around for something to eat.

"Minho-Hyung, What are you doing?"

I jumped, frantically trying to hide it behind the refrigerator door.

"TaeTae? What are you doing up this late?"

I glanced up at the clock which read


"I just wanted to get some water before going back to bed."

He let out a little yawn in between his sentence which made me smile.

"Don't worry. I was just getting something before heading back to bed."

Hiding the fact that I had snuck out to the studio to practice a few more times.

He nodded before opening the cupboard to grab a glass off the shelf. I bent down to grab some leftovers from that night to heat up. I hide it in the small space behind the refrigerator as I went past Tae to microwave the leftovers.

Tae sluggishly got his water, taking a few gulps. The microwave made a low buzzing as the food warmed. I felt hands wrap around me which made me jump slightly.

"Night hyung."

I turned around to place an innocent kiss on his lips before giving him a soft smile.

"Night Cutie."

He gave me a tired box smile before heading back to his room. A loud 'beep' made my attention go back to the leftovers. After finishing the late-night meal, I grab the thing I had stashed behind the fridge and make my way back to my room. I lean it against the wall before heading to my bed. The minute I hit my bed I was out like a light.



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