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During their 2 Cool 4 Skool era, Min felt alone after being so far away from his family which drove him into grave depression.

He never talked about this to the others after just meeting and getting to know them. He didn't want to get made fun of for acting like a baby missing their parents, so he kept it inside. He felt even more sensitive after sending sleepless nights reading hate comments.


It took a huge toll on Min and there were times it drove him to almost ending his life. Once he was home alone. He felt a lot of pressure and didn't know how to deal with it, so he wanted to just end it all. He locked himself in his bathroom, filling the bath with water and started to rethink his decision.

When the tub was full, He entered it, taking one last deep breath before submerging his head. He didn't realize when the others got back, but he did faintly hear banging on the door. He had passed out before the others got to him. The others immediately got his out, getting the water out of his system and rushing to the hospital.

Ḋṏ ḭ

There was another time where Namjoon found Min not moving with a bottle of pills next to him. Namjoon called for Jin immediately, who came rushing in. All we know from that day was Min was in the hospital for a long period of time.

ṆṏṮ ḃḕḶṏṆḠ?

There are no other attempts from Min after then. Min has confessed to Army's that he's been feeling more at home with the others. He still gets depressed but now he can rely on the others to talk to.


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