~Happy Birthday Jungkookie~

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𝕄𝕚𝕟'𝕤 𝕃𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 𝕍𝕝𝕠𝕘
"Hey Army."
"It's the middle of the night and I wanted to be the first to say happy birthday to JK."

Min was in front of me camera with his a T-shirt and sweatpants. He looked like he just got up from bed. Even with his messed up hair and drowsy eyes, He still had a cute smile on his face.

"I'm sure he would like you to say happy birthday too."
"Let's go."

After repeating it in Korean, Min lifted the camera and walked out of his bedroom. He walked past doors of other members who were probably having the times of their lives.

While Min walked, He couldn't help, bu yawn every so often which he apologized for. Soon, He reached Jungkook's door. Slowly, He opened the door before closing it behind him.

"Kookie." He repeated a few times to wake up the Maknae.
"Could you wake up for Minjoonie-Hyung?"

"Mmm~ Hyung." Jungkook hummed, shaking a little.

"Hey bunny. Sorry for waking you." Min apologized, trying not to shine light on Jungkook to much.

"What do you want, Hyung?" Jungkook laid on his bed, tiredly.

"saeng il chuk ha ham ni da~
saeng il chuk ha ham ni da~
sarang ha neun -- kookie shi~
saeng il chuk ha ham ni da~"

Min sang as cute chuckles where heard from Jungkook.

"Thanks hyung."

"You're welcome, bunny."

"Say thanks to Army too." Min said pointing at the camera as he laid on Jungkook.

"Thanks Army." Jungkook brought his head up to smile at the camera, making Min laugh at his bed hair.

"You should go back to bed." Min kissed Jungkook's nose before getting up from Jungkook's bed, pointing the camera at him.

"Night hyung."

"Night Jungkook." Min moved towards the door. Just as he had his hand on the door, He heard,


"Yes Kookie." He replied looking towards Jungkook.

"I love you."

"Aww." Min looked at his dongsaeng with a touched expression.

"Leave." Jungkook said, the embarrassment evident in his words.

"Love you too, Kookie." Min replied back with a smile on his face. After that, Min left the room. Min made his way back to his room before saying,

"Thanks Army's for telling Jungkookie happy birthday with me."

Min kissed the camera before waving to it.



I just wanted to post a cute little chapter for Jungkook.

Today, He's turning 22 and I just wanted to take some time to tell him happy birthday.

I hope when you blow your candles, Your wish comes true no matter if it may seem impossible.

I'm happy for you and hope you live many more years.

Happy Birthday To Our Kookie.

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