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Min has always been really healthy and you would rarely see him sick. Though, Some times being ill can be unavoidable. Being an idol has always been an opportunity which Min is grateful for and he doesn't mind inconveniencing himself to show his appreciation. A time was when Min had gotten a high fever and their comeback was in a week. Min didn't tell anyone and continued to practice through the pain.

The others could tell something was wrong, but they thought it may have been nervousness. So during their Blood, Sweat and Tears comeback, Min started to shake and tremble during the performance. Min's voice would crack when it was his part. Min swayed into the others lightly bumping into them before returning to his place. After the performance when they were getting off stage, Min's legs buckled falling to his knees.

Namjoon was the first to notice rushing to him. The others turned around, eyes widening before calling for help. Min was rushed to the hospital. Thankfully, It wasn't anything serious. Min got scolded at and wasn't allowed into the dance studio for a few weeks.

Another incident happened during their 2016 MAMA performance. Min had been practicing for days on end sometimes not coming back home that day. Min felt like he had to give it his all and after not being in the dance studio for awhile he felt behind. During that day, Min was visibly exhausted, but forced himself to keep going. Min could barely lift his arms and legs which was noticeable. When they had to squat down, Min stumbled back barely catching himself before standing back up.

Min would sway, playing it off even though he was evidently dizzy. Min seemed to also be off beat goin slower than the music. As Yoongi finish the song, Min made his way off stage into the dressing room where he collapsed. The paramedics rushed to his aid as the members tried to make sure Min was ok. The paramedics told the members to give Min space while they took care of Min.


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