Long Hours

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Nicole stood up from her desk and stretched. It was 2AM and her shift was just coming to an end. She'd been working such late, long hours lately and as a result was sleeping through the day, most days. This meant a lot less time with her girlfriend, but Waverly had been good and patient about it.

On this particular night though, Waverly had insisted on staying with Nicole to 'support my hot sheriff, I mean Sheriff Haught'. Early in Nicole's shift she was sitting on the couch in the sheriff's office and reading a book, occasionally chatting a little with her girlfriend. This transitioned to lying down and watching videos on her phone, to now. She was sound asleep on the couch where she'd first kissed Nicole, with a coat draped over her in place of a blanket.

Nicole crouched down by her love and stroked her peaceful face. "Hey, baby, time to go home." She shook her gently but Waverly was out cold. Nicole grabbed her things and then lifted Waverly on to her feet. "Come on, sleepy." She kissed the younger girl's face in response to her tired grumble.

Locking all the doors behind them, Nicole led Waverly out to the car and helped her in. She was out like a light again as soon as she was in the seat. The cop buckled her girlfriend's seatbelt across her before going around and getting in her own seat.

Waverly slept the whole drive home with her cute face squished against the cool glass of the passenger side window. Music played softly from the radio and Nicole kept stealing quick glances at the angel who slept in the car beside her.

Nicole parked the car just outside the Earp house and got out, walking around to the passenger side. She opened the door and undid Waverly's seatbelt before scooping up her girlfriend and carrying her inside bridal style. Going up the stairs she almost smacked the girl's head on the wall a couple times, but the redhead managed to get her safely to the bed.

When Nicole returned to the bedroom after brushing her teeth and showering, the brunette was beginning to stir. The tall woman drop her towel, leaving her naked, and searched her dresser drawer for underwear and a top to wear to bed.

"Hi sexy," Waverly said.

"Oh, so now you're awake, the second I drop my towel?" She pulled a long, loose shirt down over her head. Waverly was now standing in front of her, she pressed their bodies together.

"Sorry, I swear I tried to stay awake for you."

"It's okay, Waves. I still loved having you there. I honestly hate being alone there at night, after all we've been through it's really creepy," Nicole kissed the top of her girl's head.

"You should assign someone else to night shift and then we can have our own fun at night."

Nicole smirked and kissed Waverly on the lips. The shorter woman's arms snaked around her neck and she jumped up to wrap her legs around the redhead's waist. Nicole gripped her hands high on the back of Waverly's thighs as the continued to kiss. She walked them over to the bed and dropped Waverly down before straddling her.

"Is this okay?" She whispered as her hand moved up Waverly's inner thigh.

"Definitely," Waverly said with a gasp.

By sunrise the two woman were cuddled together, sound asleep, legs entangled and fingers intertwined.

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