Locker Room

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Nicole followed Wynonna through the mass of people all finding a seat for the game. Wynonna reached back and grabbed the redhead's pale wrist and dragged her forward before the crowd could separate them. Although, the two senior girls were tall, particularly Nicole who also had hair which made her stand out among any crowd.

Wynonna manoeuvred through the sea of people, holding her popcorn bucket close to her chest like it was her most prized possession. They found seats with a perfect view of the field, just several feet back from where their school's cheerleaders would be any moment now.

Music started to blare through the speakers and 6 girls in tiny blue and white cheer outfits ran onto the edge of the field. Four of them, including Waverly, were juniors while the other two were seniors. Waverly waved a pom-pom and winked at Nicole before the girls began their cheer. Being so tiny, Waverly was a flyer, which she loved except for the bruises she'd get from her limbs clashing against the boney arms of her team mates when they caught her.

She danced with such passion and preciseness; Nicole couldn't help but stare at her. She cheered as Waverly did a backflip; she was the proudest girlfriend ever.

"Turn the heart eyes down a notch, Haught, I'm trying to eat my popcorn not throw up in it," Wynonna said with a playful punch to Nicole's arm, "you're practically drooling over my little sister."

Nicole tears her eyes away from the cheerleaders and knocks the popcorn bucket so a little spills out. She receives and elbow to the ribs as revenge. This bickering between the two 17 year olds carried on and off throughout the whole football game.

The moment the game finished Nicole hopped up from her seat. "See ya later, Wynonna!" She called out as she ran down the stairs and on to the field.

The brunette cheerleader jumped into her girlfriend's arms and got a kiss on the forehead. "You did so good, baby!" She spun her around, her shoes a foot above the ground. "I'm so proud of you!" Waverly's feet touched back to the ground and she stood on the tips of her toes to kiss the taller girl.

"Thanks, can we go get food, I'm starving?" Waverly asked as she grabbed her water bottle off the bench.

The girlfriends walked hand in hand over to the food stalls where the got some fries and a drink to share. By the time they'd finished everyone else had cleared out. Then they made their way to the girl's locker room so Waverly could change out of her cheer clothes.

Nicole was going to wait outside but Waverly insisted on her coming in since the other girls had left a while ago.

Waverly lifted her top over her head where it got stuck. "Can you help me?" She asked giggling. Nicole helped her take off the the top and let out a sigh at the sight of her topless girlfriend. The brunette shimmied off her miniskirt which left her in just her underwear and sports bra. "I should shower if we're going to get dinner with Jeremy and Robin. Are you gonna join me?"

"I don't know, Waves, we could get caught."

"Well no pressure, but nobody is around to catch us."

"Okay then." Nicole removed her shoes, ripped jeans and T-shirt. She folded the clothes neatly and put them in Waverly's locker; she didn't need her nightmare of having her clothes stolen to come true. She wrapped one of Waverly's towels around her and carefully removed her bra and panties, placing them with her other clothes. Waverly was already in one of the showers.

Nicole walked over and drew back the curtain to reveal a wet and naked Waverly. She hesitated for a moment. Sure, the pair had slept together several times but this was different, a different kind of intimate. What were they gonna do? Lather each other in soap, fuck up against the tiled wall, or just make out under the running water?

The answer turned out to be all of the above. What started out as slow and sensual, progressed until they had each other's moans echoing through the locker room. They'd just finished up when there was a banging on the locker room door and a woman yelled out.

"If any of you girls are still in there you have five minutes to get out before I lock this place up for the weekend!"

The girls scrambled to get dressed and out the door, passing the coach with blushing faces.

As soon as they were out of earshot, they burst into laughter as they made their way to Nicole's car. "We should definitely do that more often!"

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