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"Babe, come on!" Nicole yelled. Waverly shook her head and stuck out her bottom lip

"Nope, it's too cold!"

"It's summer!"

"It's the middle of the night!"

"Well someone kept asking to make stops so the drive took longer than expected!"

"I don't wanna!"

"Just get in the fucking water! You'll warm up!" Nicole demanded as she tugged Waverly's arm. Waverly plunked herself down in the sand and crossed her arms. Nicole shrugged. "Guess we're doing it my way." She scooped the shorter woman into her arms and carried her out into the ocean.

"I thought you wanted to swim far out in the ocean, isn't that what you told me?"

"Well it's not so easy when the thing that terrifies you is right in front of you!" Waverly ended her sentence with a loud squeal as the water made contact with the bare skin of her dangling feet.

"Want to stand up, my arms are sore?"

"Fine," Waverly huffed. Then she squealed again as Nicole lowered her into the water. It was up to her chest, but lower on Nicole. Waverly suddenly wished she was taller. "We could die out here!"

"The ocean won't kill one of its waves, Waves." Nicole giggled at herself.


"Isn't this magical to you? The endless water full of the most beautiful wildlife, the full moon lighting our way and the millions of stars twinkling in the sky?"

"I guess it is," Waverly said as she settled into Nicole's arms, her back pressed against the taller woman's torso. "It really is gorgeous out here."

"So are you, Waves."


A/N: this is really short n kinda lame. i would love to take scene requests or even prompts for these; just comment if you have any :)

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