New Year

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Hi, I didn't expect this to be so long but I had a lot of ideas to fit in so it's almost 3000 words long. It's just a bunch of Wayhaught cuteness with a few sweet Earp sister moments. I hope you all enjoy it.


"Are you coming to the New Year's Eve party tonight, baby girl? The one at the Sheriff's department?" Wynonna stuck her head into the bathroom where Waverly was brushing her long brown hair. Waverly looked up at her sister who was leaning casually against the doorframe.

"Am I even invited?"

"Of course you are. Dolls and I are, and you work with us. Plus you're my sister and Nicole's best friend or whatever."

"I wouldn't say we're best friends, just regular friends," Waverly mumbled, letting her hair fall forward in hopes to disguise her blushing face. Wynonna stepped in the tiled room and put a hand on her sister's shoulder.

"You're coming, okay?" Waverly's eyes met hers in the mirror. She could tell from the look on her big sister's face that she's not getting a say in the matter. "And wear something cute."

"Fine. But you'll have to help me, because I'm pretty sure you and I have different definitions of cute." Waverly continued to brush through her hair as Wynonna backed out of the room, a pleased grin on her face.

"I will later. Right now I'm going to see Doc."

"See or do?" Waverly snarked jokingly. Wynonna gave her a half genuine scowl before disappearing.

"I'll be back in a few hours!" Wynonna's voice echoed up from the staircase moments before the front door opened and shut.

Waverly felt herself buzz with nerves and excitement. A New Year's party. With Nicole. Maybe this could be her chance to finally kiss the girl she's been pining after. Except how would she possibly get her alone at midnight? Or, alternatively, deal with Wynonna and everyone else finding out. Waverly worried about it all day.

Just as promised, Wynonna returned that afternoon, a few hours after she'd left. She looked ever so pleased when she waltzed through the front door at 3:08.

"Have fun with Doc?" Waverly teased as Wynonna joined her at the dining table.

"Yep. It was like 3% Netflix and 97% chill."

"Gross." She pretended to gag which earned her a slap from her sister. "Can you pick up out my outfit now for tonight?"

"Fine. I'll call you up once I've got the perfect look to get you a midnight kiss from Nedley."

"Stop it, Wynonna!"

Waverly sat in the kitchen in silence while her sister went upstairs to her bedroom. She let her mind drift back to Nicole and wondered what the redheaded sheriff's deputy would wear to the event. She was just trying to imagine how Nicole's lips would feel against her own when Wynonna called out for her. Waverly got up and made for the stairs.

"Here you go," Wynonna announced as Waverly entered the bedroom, gesturing to an outfit laid out on the neatly made bed. "The perfect party outfit that would guarantee you a midnight kiss if there was actually someone there worthy of you."

"Wynonna, it's the middle of winter. I'm gonna freeze to death in that."

The older brunette had chosen a short, black skirt and a lacy, black top that only reached Waverly's midriff and was very see-through. Waverly also noticed her knee high boots had been extracted from the depths of her closet and placed at the foot of the bed.

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