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Waverly woke to a wailing that filled the bedroom just after midnight. She groaned as she sat up and pushed back the comforter. As she swung her legs off the bed a hand touched her arm. Nicole yawned and then kissed her cheek.

"I'll get her, sweetie." Waverly lay back down and watched Nicole get up and walk across the room to the red wooden crib that sat in the far corner, the source of the crying. Her pale, bare legs glowed in the dim light.

"It's okay, baby. Mama's got you, darling," Nicole's soothing voice drifted back to Waverly as the redhead lifted the baby out of her cot and carried her over to the double bed. "And here's mummy, do you want mummy?" The crying died down a bit as Nicole climbed back into the bed with the chubby bundle in her arms and Waverly clicked on a lamp.

"She's not wet," Nicole said, "and you fed her just a half hour ago right?"

"Yeah, and she had an extra big feed."

The baby whined again. "What's the matter, Florence? Do ya just want some cuddles?" Waverly took her daughter out of the arms of her wife. She was sitting up a little now with her knees bent upward, she rested Florence against her legs so she sat facing her mums.

"She's looking more like you everyday," Nicole said with a smile as she stroked the little head of brown hair. "She's so cute." Florence giggled and reached up to grab at her mama's arm. "That's right, you're so so cute, Flo," she cooed.

"And you'd be a lot cuter if you'd let us get even just a bit more sleep," Waverly joked. The baby kicked her chubby legs and babbled in response. "I love you, bubba," she said with a yawn.

"You should get some more sleep, sweetie, I'll get her back down." Nicole lifted Florence back into her own arms after getting up off the bed, kissing her wife's head before she stood up straight again. "Goodnight."

She walked over by the crib and swayed slowly, rocking the infant gently in her arms. Waverly couldn't help but watch from across the bedroom as Nicole moved and sang a whispered lullaby to their daughter in the dim moonlight the peaked through the half drawn curtains.

Once the baby was settled, Nicole lowered her back into bed and then returned to her own. She draped and arm over a half-asleep Waverly and kissed her head.

"I love you."

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