Forever and Always

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Waverly fiddled with the restaurant menu in front of her. Where the hell is Nicole? They'd been looking forward to this dinner date for weeks; ever since they came back from their brief honeymoon Nicole had been catching up on work and getting things back in order. She checked her watch. 8:37pm. They agreed on 8pm and Nicole hadn't answered a single call. This is what came along with marrying the sheriff.

Headlights peered through the restaurant window and Waverly looked out to see Wynonna getting out of her car. She entered the restaurant, spotted Waverly and sat down across from her in the booth. Her face was wrinkled and sad. She reached across the table and held her little sister's hand.

"It's Nicole. She got shot on duty, baby girl. She's stable at the hospital, I would've called but I had to get her there, make sure she'd be okay. But in the midst of all the craziness she also broke her ankle pretty bad. They mentioned the possibility of surgery."

Waverly didn't know what to say as her eyes filled to the brims with tears. "Who did it? Were you there?"

"Yeah, it was outside Shorty's, I was on my way there still in my car when it happened. The shooter was masked and ran off. We'll find them though, and we'll give them hell," Wynonna explained. Waverly nodded. "Come on, lets go."

They drove up to the hospital and the young Earp couldn't stop crying the whole ride there. She burst through the front doors and only slowed down so Wynonna could lead the way to the ward.

Nicole was in a blue hospital gown, hooked up to medicine and machines. She looked paler than usual but she still smiled at the sight of her wife. Her left shoulder was bandaged in white with visible red blood that had seeped through. Her right leg was propped up in a sling, attached to the ceiling. At this moment it wasn't wrapped. Waverly cringed at how swollen and purple it was.

"My poor baby, I'm so sorry this happened," she hugged Nicole soft as ever, careful not to cause anymore pain. "Wynonna says they might have to operate on your leg?"

"Yes. In a few days they will."

Waverly teared up and held Nicole's hand. "I'm so sorry. Is there anything you want or need that I can get?"

"A kiss please," the redhead said with the sweetest smile. Waverly obliged and kissed Nicole gently. "See now I'm all better," she pulled back and giggled.

Waverly curled up in the chair by the hospital bed for the evening, using her coat as a blanket. Nicole insisted several times that she just go home but Waverly couldn't bare to leave her.

Soon enough both women were sound asleep until some time around 2AM. Machines started beeping like crazy and nurses rushed in, then calling doctors. Waverly woke up and panicked, she backed up out of the way. Nicole was out cold still.

"Her wound is bleeding again," an unfamiliar voice said.

"Remove the dressing, examine. We may need to stitch it up again but for now add gauze and rewrap it."

"Her heart rate is really low, we're losing her!"

Waverly screeched, "Nicole, no! Please stay with me! Baby, don't die! Please!" She was desperate to get close but there were too many people and she knew nothing she could do would help.

Suddenly Nicole's eyes fluttered open and found Waverly. "Waves," her voice was strained, "you're gonna be okay. Just stick with Wynonna. Do what makes you happy. I love you and I will never stop lo-"

A long beep rang out and didn't stop. Waverly looked to her heart rate machine; she'd flatlined.


"You need to stay back or we can't help her!"

There was no luck. Waverly lurched forward and clung to her dead wife. "I'm so sorry, baby, I'm so so so sorry. I love you, forever and always."

When she eventually pulled away she threw herself in to the arms of a crying Wynonna who held her tight as they sobbed together.

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