Three Summers Back (part 2)

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Nicole sighs loudly as she finishes reading the letters. She found them on her doorstep about half an hour ago when she was heading out for her afternoon run. Needless to say her run has been cancelled, her mind is far too occupied with the letters from her past.

Waverly's handwriting is just how she remembers it, perfectly neat cursive. Comparing the new and old letters, Nicole sees that it hasn't changed a bit. She smiles, staring at the bottom of the old letter, the never-delivered (until now) letter from almost three years ago. 'Love from your Waverly' it says.

Her smile falls into a frown, her brows knitting together as she glances back at the yellowed envelope on the coffee table in front of her. It's addressed to the dorm room she hasn't lived in since her second year of college. Guilt settles uneasily in her stomach as she remembers the letters she wanted to write, but never did, to the girl she left behind. To the girl she loved. But she tortured herself with the thoughts 'Waverly deserves better' and 'Waverly deserves someone who is there'. She didn't want to take away her senior year of high school and all the fun that could be. She didn't want Waverly to waste her year hidden away in her bedroom writing letters and making long distance phone calls. So she let herself 'forget' to write or call.

And then when she never heard a single word from Waverly, she assumed they were on the same page. But the letters she's now holding in her hands make her feel different. She was wrong.

Just to torture herself some more, Nicole rereads through the old letter, the one from almost-17-year-old Waverly Earp.

' Hi Nicole,

I miss you like crazy. It's been six days and all I can think about is you. School starts tomorrow so hopefully I can get you out of my head enough to concentrate.

This summer was the greatest few months of my life. I'll never forget a minute of the time I spent with you. I miss hanging out at the lake almost everyday. I've never felt more protected than when you held me and helped me learn to swim. And I miss holding your hand and your hugs and your kisses.

And that night in the back of your truck, I dream about it every night and when I wake up I'm sweating and I swear I can feel your hands all over me again.

Anyways. How are you settling in? Did you get stuck with last year's roommate or did you get a new one? I hope college is going well for you and I hope you're having fun.

I hope you're well and that I hear from you soon.

Love from your Waverly
PS: I love you.'

Nicole puts the paper back down and rubs the back of her neck. Her mind is racing on what to do, how to react, what to think of this blast from the past. She reads over the newer letter to try and decipher present-day-Waverly's intentions, hoping it'll help her decide what to do.

'I hope you still think of me when you hear our song on the radio... because I do.'

Nicole tosses these words over and over in her mind. She tries to hear them in Waverly's voice. She can't help but smile about Waverly thinking of her still. I have to see her, Nicole thinks to herself. She's known she'd run into Waverly sooner or later, but she never thought it would be this soon. She's been back less than two weeks and just barely started her internship at the law firm.

Waverly's letter doesn't say anything about her current address, but Nicole is sure she'll find her at the Earp Homestead. She's heard from Nedley that Waverly's Uncle Curtis and Aunt Gus moved out of Purgatory a few months back, and the house and property already belonged to their nieces. Nicole was sure they must still live there.

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