Vanilla-Dipped Donuts

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Nicole dusted her hands off on her little pink apron as the bell above the door jingled. One of her regulars, Sheriff Nedley, strolled in and ordered his usual coffee and muffin. She served him with a smile and her eyes darted to the clock for the millionth time since she'd started her shift. It was almost noon.

The flow of customers in and out continued. The closer it got to lunch time the more tables filled up. She was usually here by now and it was so busy she couldn't look up every time the door opened.

"Milkshake for Brian!" She called out from her spot behind the counter. A tall man collected the order and the red head watched as he almost knocked someone off their feet as he exited the little coffee shop. Nothing could knock that smile off though.

Nicole found herself breathless as Waverly approached the counter. She sat on a stool and beamed up at her server. "Hi, how are you?" Nicole asked when she finally found the words.

"Good. I don't have long today. Wynonna is rushing me to get back with her study snacks."

"Oh," Nicole tried not to seem disappointed. Today was supposed to be the day she finally asked Waverly out after half a year of these Saturday interactions. "So what can I get for you today?"

"Four sprinkle donuts for Wynonna, and a strawberry milkshake for me, please."

"Can I throw in a free donut for my favourite customer? Maybe vanilla-dipped?"

"Sure, thanks."

Nicole prepped the order with shaky hands and brought it back to the ray of sunshine that was Waverly Earp. "Here you go! Have a nice day, Waverly!"

"Thanks. See ya later, Nicky!" Nicole almost feinted at the nickname.

Somebody approached from behind, it was her manager.

"You can clock off early today, Nicole."

"Right now?"

"Sure thing."

Nicole was out the door in a flash her apron still on and raced onto the street. She spotted Waverly and ran to her.


"You, umm, forgot something," Nicole mumbled.

"I don't think so-"

Nicole cut her off with a kiss and pulled her in by the waist. Waverly giggled as they pulled apart. "You taste like vanilla. Won't your boss be mad?"

"I finished early today."

"Well, in that case." Waverly pulled her in and kissed her again.

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