At The Wedding

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"And now I believe our maid of honour has something prepared." The mic was handed to Wynonna as she stood up a walked to stand behind the two brides. She placed a hand on her sister's shoulder, on the lacy white dress sleeve. Waverly smiled up at her.

"Since the day she was born all I've ever wanted to do was protect Waverly," Wynonna began, "I was just six and I'd never had so much love for anything than my baby sister. We went to hell and back together, growing up, so naturally we've been the best of friends. I always doubted I'd be happy seeing her share her life with someone someday. How could anybody possibly be good enough for my baby girl?"

"But then you came along, Nicole. I'm clearly not the smart one of us because for a while there I just thought they were friends, besties, gal pals. It wasn't until the day she was ready to risk the world to save Nicole from a bullet and Waverly needed me to help, she said, 'Please, I love her,' and that was when I knew."

"I might've gotten a little tough on Nicole from then but I've learned that she has my sister's best interest at heart and I've known for a while now that she's the one for my Waves. And I couldn't be happier to have my sister marry the woman who's become one of my closest friends. I love you, Nicole, welcome to the family."

Nicole stood up, careful not to tread on the long skirt of her own white dress, and hugged Wynonna tighter than ever, then kissed her on the cheek. "Wynonna, that was the best speech ever. I love you too," she said with tears in her eyes. Waverly got up pulled them both into a group hug.

"That was beautiful, Nonna."

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