Haught Like Me

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Warning: 'mature' content ahead. proceed at your own risk.


"Wynonna, I can't use that as my slogan, this is serious," Nicole groaned.

"What's wrong with my idea? I think it's perfect."

"Thanks for trying, but I think I'll just wait for Waverly's help."

The front door creaked open. "Speak of the angel," Wynonna said. She put down the pen that she'd been using to write ideas with and smiled up at her sister. "Hey, Waves."

"Hi, Wynonna." Waverly walked into the kitchen and hugged her older sibling, then moved to the other side of the table. Nicole held her arms open and Waverly dropped onto her lap, facing the table, and guided her arms around her waist. "Hi sweetie." She turned and kissed her on the cheek, then her lips. Wynonna coughed loudly for their attention.

"Can you please tell Nicole to use my slogan idea," Wynonna said. She pushed her paper across the table for the other two to see.

It was a little sketch that just barely resembled Nicole in uniform and underneath she'd written 'Don't You Wish Your Sheriff Was Haught Like Me?!'

Waverly burst into a fit of laughter and started to slip off her girlfriend's lap. Nicole held her tighter and poked her arm.

"Don't encourage her," Nicole said. Waverly kept laughing, now joined by Wynonna, to the point where she was crying and buried her face into Nicole's chest. Nicole couldn't help but smile now. "Okay, I admit it's a little funny, but I still can't use it."

"Well boo you," Wynonna shouted. Then she got up, checking her watch. "I've gotta get to Shorty's, I'm meeting Mercedes there. See ya later, losers!"

Once she was gone, Waverly felt Nicole's lips on her neck, kissing her skin soft as ever. She twisted around and planted her lips on her girlfriend's.

"I like your shirt today," Nicole mumbled, "well I like the lack of material in your shirt today." She tugged at the hem of Waverly's low cut midriff top until she obediently lifted her arms so she could lift it off and over her head. "Good girl," she said, sending a shiver down Waverly's back.

Her hands moved to Waverly's lower back and stayed there for a while as they kissed some more. Waverly always kissed her as if they'd been apart for months ever since she'd gotten trapped in the Garden for so long. Today was no different. Her hands gripped the front of Nicole's shirt as she urged the small space still between them to vanish into nothing.

Waverly mumbled something inaudible against Nicole's lips which caused the other woman to pull back just a tad. "What was that, baby?"

"I need you."

"You're gonna have to ask nicely."

"Please, baby, I need you now. Upstairs, please?"

Nicole scooped her up and stood from the chair, she swayed a little on the spot and then headed up to the bedroom.

When they got there she kicked the door shut behind them and dropped Waverly roughly onto the bed.

"You know the drill: strip,"she ordered. As the brunette removed her skirt and under garments, Nicole slid off her jeans and pulled her shirt off, tossing both to the floor. "Lay on your back, baby." Waverly continued to obey. "That's my baby, good girl."

The back of her head met the pillow as Nicole climbed on top of her. Waverly pouted, "No fair, take it all off." She flicked the elastic of Nicole's underwear.

"Don't be naughty, Earp, or you'll be regretting it very soon."

"Please? I just wanna see all of you."

"Not yet."

She kissed her girlfriend's body, starting at her collarbone, and began a slow movement in her hips. Waverly sighed and gripped her shoulders tighter. She sneakily unclasped Nicole's bra in quick movement. "What did I just say, Waverly? Do you want me to punish you?"

Waverly smiled and nodded.

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