Lost You

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This is probably full of typos but I can't be bothered editing it. Enjoy 😂


"Haught!" Sheriff Nedley's voice booms from the front desk. Nicole pops out from the staff kitchen. "There's been a shooting at the Earp Homestead, two people have been shot, a third person believed to be dead."


Nicole gears up, as Nedley starts barking orders at all the officers. Half a dozen police cruisers pull out from the station moments later. Lights on and sirens blaring.

Nicole and the others get to the homestead in half the time it would usually take. The whole ride she's been praying that Waverly is okay. And Wynonna and Alice and Doc and Jeremy and Robin. They were all there today. She's been looking foreword to going home to a night with them all. Now three of them are hurt.

There's a car she doesn't recognise out front of the house. Doc's car is by the barn, Waverly's jeep too. The front windows are shattered and there's a limp body on the porch. As Nicole approaches she can tell the person has been shot in the torso from the mass of blood soaking their shirt.

Three officers surround the body before she gets to it and Nedley yells for her and Lonnie to go inside with him. Her heart races as she hears a scream from within the house. With much relief, she sees that the body on the porch is not someone she knows.

Nicole follows Lonnie inside, Nedley close on her tail. There's a trail of blood that leads them into the kitchen and another yell hits them as the messy scene comes into view.

"What happened here?"

Robin is lying on the table while Jeremy holds a bloodied towel to his shoulder. Wynonna is doing the same for Doc, who is sitting in a chair with a wound in his leg.

"I- I don't know. We were just hanging out and then, that man was suddenly in here an- and.." Jeremy starts to explain as a few paramedics join the scene. He lifts his bloody hand from Robin as they take over. "It was all such a blur."

Nicole circles the ground floor as she listens to the shaky voice of Wynonna describe some more. Then she slips back into the kitchen.

"It was definitely just the one person and I shot him," Wynonna sniffles. Wynonna looks up to Nicole. "Alice and Waverly are upstairs, can you-?"

"Of course."

She turns on her heel and lets her feet carry her up the stairs. Nicole crosses paths with Lonnie as he finishes his inspection of the scene, he nods at the bedroom before descending the stairs.

Waverly is on the bed shaking slightly. Alice is in her lap curled up and crying softly. "Hey, my girls." Waverly looks up at her and tries for a smile. It barely lasts a second and doesn't reach her eyes. Alice doesn't budge.

"Everyone is gonna be okay."

"I don't even know what happened, I was with Alice and everyone else was in the kitchen and then there was a gunshot and Wynonna was yelling for me to bring Alice up here. We hid in the closet until Lonnie just found us."

"I thought maybe I'd lost you. Or any one of you. I've never been more terrified on a call before." Nicole puts her hands over Alice's ears, "the suspect is dead, Wynonna shot him." She lifts her hand again and kisses the 5 year old's head. Alice looks up at her with her big blue eyes and her bottom lip sticks out.

"Is mummy and daddy okay?"

"Yes, sweetie. They're safe now. We're all safe. Daddy is a little bit hurt and so is uncle Robin but they are gonna go see some doctors and then they'll be all good."

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