She's Cheer Captain (part 3)

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"What do you have in mind?"

"Never mind. What movies will we watch?"

Nicole frowned and released Waverly's hand to unlock the hotel room door. Waverly followed her inside.

"I don't know. We should shower first. I'm covered in sweat and dirt."

"Join me?"


"Shower with me," Waverly repeated, mustering up all of her confidence to actually say the words. Nicole's mouth fell open and she froze on the spot. "God, you're so cute."

"I'm no- you'r-" Nicole stammered but she was cut off when Waverly's lips met hers. She let herself relax and kissed back, the smaller girl's arms wound up around her neck and Nicole's hands found a place to rest on her hips.

Waverly nudged her playfully and they stumbled into the little bathroom. Her hands fumbled with the redhead's football jersey as she asked wordlessly if she could take it off. Nicole nodded and pulled back so it could be lifted off over her head. Waverly tugged her back into the kiss but Nicole was suddenly feeling very insecure in her new shirtless state.

"Sorry. This is... I don't know if I want to..."

Waverly caressed her face as Nicole leaned against the wall and softly said, "that's okay. I can go and leave you to have your shower."

"I want you to stay. I'm just confused."

"Let's just shower, separately, and talk after, okay?"


Nicole pecked her on the lips and let her leave. She showered quickly and then left the bathroom wrapped in her towel, having not brought an outfit in with her. Waverly was seated on a chair by the window, reading her book again. She got up silently and grabbed her underwear and bra, heading for the bathroom.

Once she was alone again, Nicole rummaged through her bag for clean clothes and underwear, struggling not to let her hair drip all over her stuff. She found the dress her dad had made her pack for the fancy dinner the team would have if they won.

Nicole didn't wear dresses very often, not because she didn't like to. She loved to. But everyone always treated her different. They always fussed over her and acted so shocked that she was dressed feminine. And the crueler people claimed she was just trying to fit in, to hide that she was gay. Nicole always wanted to scream at them, "gay girls can be feminine and wear dresses, so fuck off," but she'd yet to find the courage. So she mostly avoided wearing dresses these days.

This dress she'd brought was purple and when she slipped it on it flowed just past her knees. She wrapped her hair up in the towel so it would soak the back of the dress. The sound of the shower stopped, she noticed, as she failed to get the zip up her back. Nicole wandered to the bathroom door and knocked.

Waverly opened the door with a smile. She was wrapped in her towel, it hung from her waist down, and she had on a blue bra.

"I umm just wanted help with my zip."

Nicole turned her back to Waverly and felt her take hold of the dress, tugging the zipper upwards.

"There you go. I'll be out in 10 or so minutes, and you can help me decide what to wear," Waverly said, "please," she added. Nicole nodded and walked away as the door shut once more.

Just as she'd said, Waverly came out several minutes later, in the same state, except now her hair was drier.

"So, I brought a dress for tonight but I don't know if I wanna wear it," she began, "I also have jeans and a nice top I could wear. What do you think?"

"I think I'm a little confused about how we went from never talking to chatting like best friends within 24 hours and kissing and almost showering together, is what I think. And wear the dress."

"I told you. I like you."

"I like you too. Let's see the dress."

Waverly fetched the dress and held it up for her to see. It was a light blue dress with a tulle skirt. "The others say I'm too muscly to wear sleeveless dresses. Apparently it can only be known that cheerleaders have muscles in the moment of us performing as cheerleaders."

"That's ridiculous. You should wear it, if you want."

Waverly got Nicole to hold the dress while she dropped the towel and stepped into it. Nicole tried her best not to stare down at her mostly bare body while she had the chance. Instead she looked into Waverly's hazel eyes and felt her heart flutter. The girl front of her turned, once she was in the dress, so Nicole could zip her dress up.

"Let's see those muscles."

Waverly lifted her arms and flexed her muscles, finding herself surprised as Nicole brushed her hands along them. "Beautiful," the redhead whispered. The brunette couldn't hold herself back, she leaned up and kissed the girl in front of her. Nicole kissed back for just a moment. "Time to talk?"


They sat in the chairs by the window, facing each other.

"Is this weird to you? It's weird to me. I just feel like we went from 0 to 100 in no time at all and it's kind of scaring me. Yesterday morning I thought you might be some stuck up bitch and now we just..." Nicole trailed off as her cheeks warmed.

"I'm sorry that I scared you... wait you think I'm a bitch? That's what you thought of me?"

"Sort of. But I never knew you, at all. Now I know you a bit and I think... I think you're extraordinary."

"You're pretty wonderful yourself. I just feel drawn to you lately. And I've wanted to get to know you for a while, you're very mysterious, Nicole Haught. That's why I- nevermind."

"Tell me," Nicole said, and then something clicked, "Oh my god, you asked to room with me this weekend, didn't you?" Waverly nodded.

"Are you mad?" Waverly asked, worried.

"Mad? Why would I be mad? I've been on this team for five years and in all the away games we've had, nobody has ever wanted to room with me," Nicole replied, unable to hide a huge smile that had crept it's way across her face, nor could she stop the tears that welled up in her eyes.

"God, you're so cute."

"Just kiss me."

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