Fight and Make Up

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This is so long and I can't be bothered to edit it thoroughly so sorry for any errors.
This one has angsty Wayhaught, a Wynhaught argument, cute Wayhaught and a bit of a funny ending. Enjoy


Nicole slammed her bedroom door and sank down to the floor, leaning against the door. On the other side, Waverly tried to push it open with no success.

"Just leave me alone, Waverly!"

"Let me in, please. We need to talk."

"I don't want to talk!"

"What if I just talk?"

"Fuck off!" Nicole snapped.

"I'm not going anywhere until we sort this out."

"Suit yourself. You can stay out there."

"Fine. I'm really sorry, you know. I was going to tell you, I didn't think you'd find out like that."

"Save your breath, I'm not listening."

Waverly tried the door again, this time it was the lock that stopped her rather than Nicole's weight. She crouched on the ground and peered under. Nicole had moved, maybe to her bed. Waverly sighed loudly and then knocked. "I'm not letting you in, idiot!"

"Please, Nicole!"

"We can talk some other time, right now I'm exhausted and upset and I really don't want to see your stupid face," she shouted back.

Inside the room, Nicole was grumpily getting ready for bed. She changed into pyjamas and brushed her teeth and hair. And she became more pissed off when she realised that she'd left her phone in her coat pocket downstairs. She groaned loudly with frustration.

"Are you okay?" came the sweet, usually soothing voice through the door. She ignored her girlfriend, though a part of her beneath the anger wanted to forget why she was mad and just be held by the angelic brunette. But it wasn't an easy thing to forget. "Nicole?"

"I'm fine, really fucking great," she growled, "go home and sleep, Earp."

With that, Nicole got into bed and cried quietly to herself until she was asleep.

The redhead woke in the morning with a dreadful headache and immediately remembered everything from the day before. She sighed as she dragged herself out of bed and walked into her the en-suite.

Nicole stood at the sink and splashed her tear stained face with cold water. She stared at her reflection, at the dark circles under her eyes that weren't there yesterday morning and the messy red hair. She frowned and got out her hairbrush, taming the wild hair before she left the room.

She looked in her closet and decided she wasn't leaving the house today so why bother getting dressed at all. Time for coffee, she thought, then I'll call Waverly to come over. Nicole unlocked the bedroom door and pulled it open, then she screamed.

Waverly had fallen half into the room, apparently she'd spent the night sleeping against the door. Now she was holding her head where it just hit the ground as tears welled up in her hazel eyes.

"Fuck that really hurt," she mumbled, slowly standing up. Her clothes were all wrinkled and her back sounded like bubble wrap popping as she stretched. "Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep."

Nicole didn't know what to say. She couldn't be angry but she didn't want Waverly to think everything was okay if she took a moment to comfort her. The last comment made her feel too guilty.

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