Come Back... Be Here

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This oneshot is a bit inspired by the song 'Come Back... Be Here' by Taylor Swift. You should definitely give it a listen. Don't worry this has a happier ending.


Waverly woke with an ache in her heart as she reached out into the empty space beside her on the bed. She was already gone. Waverly sighed. She knew yesterday was their last but she'd hoped she could say goodbye in the morning.

With a yawn and stretch, the young brunette sat up and gazed at the other side of the bed where Nicole had been just hours ago. She couldn't understand why this hurt so much, after all it had only been a couple weeks. And they knew this from the start. They knew all along that Nicole would have to leave.

And Waverly had tried not to get attached. But how could she not? Nicole was everything she had ever dreamed of and more. Who cared that she was moving to a different country for her new job? Who cared that they could only have 12 days together?

It all started the Saturday before last. With a date that was meant to be no more than dinner, a few drinks and one night together.


"Hi!" the brunette beamed, "you must be Nicole, right?"

The tall redhead sat on the bar stool by her date and smiled back, nervously. "Yeah. Hi. It's nice to meet you."

"You too."

Nicole looked into the pair of hazel eyes that eagerly gazed into her own brown ones and she felt her heart dip.

The small talk didn't last long once they each had a drink in hand. Soon enough the pair were sharing stories and filling the room with their song-like laughter. Exchanging shy touches, a hand grazing a knee or brushing an arm, feeling urged closer to each other.

When they got hungry the pair settled into a booth in the back corner and ordered fries. And drinks. And then some more fries. Waverly gradually scooted over on the bench seat until she was pressed up against her gorgeous date. Nicole slid an arm around her shoulder as she told the smaller woman about her job in New York that she was leaving for in a couple of weeks.

Nicole was the first to pluck up the courage and kiss the other. Once they started it was damn near impossible to stop. Their bodies seemed to belong together; it was like a force of nature held them together.

After the awkward conversation of it all, they found themselves stumbling into Nicole's apartment. They discarded their jackets on the floor by the door and soon had their way with one another on the couch, too keen to make it as far as the bedroom.

The next day, they knew they couldn't just never see each other again. Neither of them had ever felt this way before. This rush of emotion and connection at first sight. Maybe they barely knew each other but there was no denying that the connection was there. And neither one of them could put it down.

There was no turning back. No turning from each other no matter how much their time constraint, the inevitable end, hung over their heads, looming closer with each passing moment.

They made the best out of each day. Waverly showed Nicole all her favourite places from growing up in the area and Nicole took her around to all the restaurants she usually ate at alone. They hiked and watched the leaves change colour. They sat by the lake, warm in each other's arms, and watched the sunset. And they ended each night in bed, touching each other gently and roughly and desperately making up for all that they would miss when the 12 days came to an end.

On the last night, however, they were quick about it. Loving and gentle, but there was a rushed feeling. It was as if the two of them wanted more of what they followed the sex with, on their last night. The loving gazes at one another. Nicole holding Waverly against her chest, the two of them feeling safe and warm and loved. And that's what they did.

Nicole spent at least an hour adoring the face before her own and whispering sweet words to the woman she was trying her best not to fall for. Really she was just lying to herself. She'd already fallen. Fast and hard. Waverly whispered tales of what their life could be if Nicole ever came back and promised to visit if she ever found herself in New York.

And they talked and shared soft kisses and embraced each other so tight that they were one, until they couldn't keep their eyes open any more. Waverly held back a tear, knowing Nicole's suitcases were packed and ready by the door of Waverly's apartment and this was the last she would ever see of the stunning redhead.

Waverly reached for her phone and checked the time. 8:43. Nicole's flight was still two hours away. Maybe she could go see her off at the airport. One last kiss. A kiss so good it might just convince her to stay, without Waverly having to be selfish enough to ask her.

She got off the bed in a rush and headed straight for her closet. She pulled on leggings and a sweater. Waverly slipped on sneakers and crouched down to tie them up.

In the bathroom she brushed out her long brown hair. It was a great mess of tangles thanks to last nights activities. She put it in a loose, low ponytail and continued to the kitchen.

Waverly opened the fridge and grabbed a handful of grapes, scoffed them down quickly and made for the door. She grabbed her keys, gripped the door handle and flung it open, ready to race out.

She slammed into something and stumbled back. Waverly looked up to see what she bumped into. Or who.

A familiar dimpled smile and sparkling brown eyes greeted her, the sweet face framed by soft red curls that tickled her chin. Her hand released the suitcase handle as she scrunched her face in apology.

"What're you doing here?"

"I can't do it. I need you in my life. I was about to check my bag when I found this in my pocket."

She held out a small piece of paper that Waverly instantly recognised. It was the receipt from their second dinner together. Day 2. Waverly had to leave early the next morning and left a note scrawled on the back of the first bit of paper she could find. 'Got work today. Last night was amazing. Call me later, babe.'

"And I just couldn't do it. I couldn't leave. This is meant to be, Waverly. You and I belong together and I'm not going to let anything get in the way of this."

"Oh thank god. I didn't want to be selfish and ask you to give the job up for me, but fuck I never want to leave your side."

Waverly threw herself at the woman and held her tight. "I was just on my way to see you for one last goodbye," she admitted, talking into the crook of Nicole's neck. "Don't ever let me go."

"Can I come inside first?" Nicole said, giggling. Waverly blushed and pulled back while Nicole dragged her suitcases through the door and then shut it behind her. "Now I'm all yours."

Waverly pulled her over to the couch and the fell into each other again. Nicole made a move to kiss her but found Waverly's fingers against her lips.

"Wait... so where are you gonna work? And what about your apartment?"

"I called Nedley and he's happy to have me back. He said he's been struggling to replace me. And he even said I could crash with him for a bit if I need to."

"Move in with me."

"Waverly, we've known each other for barely two weeks."

"You just gave up an amazing job to be with me. And I want to spend every moment possible with you. Besides all your stuff is already here." She indicated the discarded suitcases. "Please?"

Nicole answered her with a kiss.

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