She's Cheer Captain

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The bus pulled up outside the hotel and everyone started to get out of their seats, restless after the long drive. The football players who were all up front exited the vehicle grabbing their bags along the way. The cheer team followed in a fit of excited giggles.

Nicole was dreading this moment because she knew she was the odd player out on the team which meant that she would have to share a room with one of the cheerleaders. She got along fine with her team and the cheer team but they were all really close with each other whereas she was just a tag along.

As they all walked through the automatic doors into the hotel lobby, Nicole silently wished that no matter who she was paired with that it wouldn't be the head cheerleader. Because honestly she seemed like one of those girls who was only ever fake nice and in reality was a totally bitch. Waverly Earp might have everybody else fooled with her sweet smile but Nicole would not be one to fall for that facade.

The coach returned from the front desk with a handful of keys and then pulled out a list from her pocket. In pairs, the girls collected their keys and headed up to their assigned rooms as their names were called. And then there were just two left. Tall, red haired Nicole Haught and short, brunette Waverly Earp with hair for days.

"Earp and Haught, you two are in room 107," coach said as she passed Nicole the key. "Meet here at 6 sharp for dinner, no leaving the building before then."

The two teens nodded. They walked side by side in a stiff silence to the elevators and reached out to press the up button at the same time. Waverly's hand brushed the top of Nicole's, sending a shiver through her spine.

"Sorry," the brunette blushed. They stood on opposite sides of the lift when they got in and Waverly let Nicole get the button this time. Thankfully they only had to go up one floor, so they escaped the cramped space quickly.

Only to be shut in a small hotel room together for a couple hours. Nicole turned the key in the door and pushed it open. Dread filled her instantly when she saw it. There was only one bed.

"They've made a mistake," the redhead said Waverly. "Should we go ask them to change it?"

"This happened last year to two of the cheer girls, they told us them to just suck it up and share a bed for two nights. This looks like a king size, so it could be worse," Waverly explained as she walked in a dropped her bag by the bed.

"Well I'm gonna go talk to coach," Nicole said firmly and walked off.

She was back in 10 minutes, grumpy face and all. "Apparently there's not a thing she can do about it," she huffed at Waverly who was sitting on the bed. The brunette looked at her sadly, almost as if she felt guilty. "Sorry."

"It's alright. It's weird to share a bed with someone you barely know."

"Sure is," Nicole said. She was taken aback by Waverly's kindness.

Waverly went to say something else but then her phone dinged and the next thing Nicole knew the cheerleader was off to meet her friends in one of their rooms.

Later that night at dinner, in the hotel dining area, Nicole hung with her football buddies as they talked strategies for the big game they had the following day. By 9 o'clock they were all ordered up to bed; in the morning they would have practice and then the game at 1pm after lunch.

Waverly hung around the lift for Nicole and then they walked up to their room together.

"Want to shower first?" Nicole offered.

"Nah, you go ahead. I prefer to shower in the morning."

Nicole ruffled through her bag and pulled out pyjamas and clean underwear before she locked herself in the bathroom and turned on the shower. She stripped down as the water warmed up and then stepped in. It wasn't until after she'd soaped herself and washed her hair that she noticed there wasn't a single towel in the little bathroom, aside from a hand towel and a couple of small face cloths.

Fucking hell, she thought. She opened the door a peaked her head out.

"Uhh, Waverly?"

The brunette's cheery face appeared around the corner and Nicole glanced down to make sure her body was covered by the door. "Could you please get me a towel? They must be in the closet." Waverly smirked and nodded, returning a moment later with a soft, white towel. She handed it over and Nicole thanked her as she felt herself blush. Waverly looked up and down, as if she was hoping to see something. And then Nicole shut the door.

She rejoined Waverly once she was dried and dressed for bed. The cheerleader had changed too, into a loose shirt and pyjama shorts. She was sitting against the headboard on the far side of the bed reading a book. When Nicole walked over she looked up and smiled. Nicole hadn't noticed just how beautiful she was until that moment, until that smile.

"So are you nervous?"

"No, why would I be nervous?" Nicole squeaked.

"About the game, I meant."

"Oh, umm, not really." She was blushing again.

Nicole got under the covers, staying as close to the edge of the bed as she comfortably could. She lay on her back and breathed out, wondering how she would possibly sleep with this girl beside her.

"I just have a page left of this chapter and then I'll turn out the lamp, is that okay?"

"Of course."

"I don't bite, you know? You can come a bit close."

Nicole shuffled slightly over and shut her eyes. A minute passed and she heard the lamp switch flicked off and the dull thud of a book on the nightstand. She felt the movement beside her as Waverly joined her underneath the covers.


"Night," the redhead mumbled back.

When Nicole woke up in the morning, she felt an extra warmth in her body. And then she realised why, as the sleepy fog vacated her brain and she was able to focus on her surroundings.

Waverly's body was pressed against her own, an arm draped across her stomach. The brunette's head was against her chest and her breathing was slowly. Nicole just smiled and let herself drift back to sleep, as it was barely just light outside.


Who wants a part 2?
I definitely have more I want to write for this one. Let me know what you think of it please; your comments motivate me to write more! 💖

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