Stay Stay Stay

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Another song inspired oneshot. This one follows the story of the song more exact. Listen to Stay Stay Stay by Taylor Swift before/while you read this :)


Waverly woke with a groan, the memories of the night before flooding back. It was their worst fight to date. It wasn't even that it was anything of great importance; everything blew out of proportion. She was sure she'd ruined things. The space beside her had been deserted some time while she was sleeping; Nicole had probably gotten up early and left.

The brunette sat up, rubbing her head and trying to recall how the argument even started. What were they mad about? Waverly couldn't put her finger on it. We need to talk about, she repeated in her mind as she dragged herself out of bed.

Waverly peaked out of the bedroom window, to her surprise Nicole's car was still there, parked beside hers. She stayed.

The events of the previous night were still somewhat a blur, but after everything that had happened, Waverly was sure Nicole would leave. Even if she had stayed the night. But she was still there.

Waverly's stomach began to churn with nerves, tossing and turning all the wrongs she'd done to hurt the woman she'd loved. Including almost hurting her physically. It was an accident. But they were both very lucky it didn't result in Nicole being injured. After all, a mobile phone to the head would have caused a bad bruise at best.

It was that almost-incident that got them to stop. Waverly was standing by the kitchen sink while Nicole stood in the entry way shouting at her. And in moments of anger, Waverly was big with hand gestures. So there she was flailing her arms around in her bubbling anger, and as she went to point an accusing finger at the redhead, the phone in her hand flung across the room.

Thank god for the quick reflexes of Sheriff Nicole Haught and her years of training and experience with dangerous situations. Anyone else probably wouldn't have seen it coming and been able to react so smoothly, ducking out of the way. The phone hit the wall and then dropped to the ground, the glass screen shattering. Nicole just gritted her teeth and said it was time for bed.

But now it was time to face the music. Yes, she'd apologised just about a thousand times before Nicole fell asleep, but Waverly was mortified by her actions. How could Nicole not leave her?

Waverly opened the bedroom door and stuck her head out. She could hear movement in the kitchen.

"Nicole?" she called out.


"Can we talk? You know, I read that you shouldn't ever leave a fight unresolved."

"I'll be up in a minute."

Waverly lay back down on the bed, shutting her eyes and fidgeting with the blanket, her feet hanging to the floor. A few minutes she heard footsteps and sat up.

There in the doorway, stood Nicole wearing Wynonna's motorcycle helmet and the goofiest smile. She put on a more serious face.

"Okay, let's talk."

"Why the helmet?"

"It's for my own protection," she giggled, "Are you holding a phone or any other potential flying objects?"

Waverly shook her head. She didn't know whether to be amused or embarrassed. The two feelings sat with each other in an unsettling way. Nicole took the helmet off.

"You stayed."

"Why would I leave?"

"Because I was an ass and got so mad. I threw my phone at you!"

"Girlfriends fight," Nicole said, sitting down on the bed, "And the phone thing was an accident. I'm not going to give up all of this over a silly fight." She held Waverly's hand.

"Anybody else would've left."

"I think you've dated too many shit heads."

The brunette nodded in agreement and leaned into the taller woman. Nicole put an arm around her. "I am sorry, you know," she said as Nicole's lips pressed against the side of her forehead.

"I know, love. I'm sorry too. It was just a silly fight and you're kind of funny when you're mad. Cute funny." She paused, thinking for a moment, "Do you even remember how it started? Because I don't."

"No," Waverly admitted, "I'm glad you didn't leave... I think it's best if we both stay."

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