Calamity Jane

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"We have to go to the animal shelter and adopt a pet."

"Baby, what's wrong?"

Waverly was teary eyed and had just shaken her girlfriend awake. It was midday on a Saturday and she'd been awake since sunrise unlike her overworked lover.

"I just saw an ad on tv that the shelter is overcrowded and they're gonna have to put down a bunch of animals soon if no one adopts them!"

Nicole looked at her with nothing but pure adoration on her face. How could she say no to such a request.

"Okay. But we can only give a good home to one. And I'm gonna need some breakfast first."

After a much rushed, midday breakfast, Nicole found herself in the passenger seat of Waverly's jeep. They drove into town and chatted about pet names and what animal they'd like best. Waverly leaned towards a dog but Nicole wasn't so keen, recalling a bad experience as a kid where her neighbour's dog came very close to using her as a chew toy.

Once they'd arrived and were inside the shelter, Nicole felt her heart break for the animals too seeing them packed in small cages. She instantly knew they'd have a hard time only adopting one.

There were several old dogs that went unloved because of their age and a group of puppies ditched after the Christmas morning excitement died down, the worker explained. There was a litter of kittens being nurtured back to health after being found in a dumpster. There was even one young goat. In the back corner was an orange cat with wild fur that gave her a grumpy appearance. As they approached her cage she hopped up and strutted forward.

"This is the one," Nicole said, smiling at the cat as it purred at her. She crouched down to pat it through the narrow gap in the bars. "What do you think?" The cat purred happily again as Waverly looked between the two.

"I think she's the cat version of you," she giggled. "She's perfect."

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