Moving In

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"Can I get a hand with these boxes?" Nicole called out from the door way as she hauled a box of books inside the Earp Homestead.

"Sorry, Haught cakes, I'm busy with these donuts," Wynonna yelled back. She was in amongst a mess of empty drink cans, food wrappers and crumbs on the couch. "Isn't Waverly supposed to be helping you?"

"She's busy researching with Jeremy. You know it won't take that long with the two of us," Nicole remarked, she wiped her forehead with the back of her hand. Wynonna laughed.

"Too bad it was your choice to move in here, so you can do it alone," Wynonna said and Nicole scoffed. The sheriff carried the box upstairs and was soon back out front to grab another box.

When she came back in she heard Wynonna's phone ring followed by one side of a muffled conversation. She slumped over to Nicole. "You really told on me, Haught?"

Nicole giggled. "Maybe. What'd Waverly say?"

"None of your business," Wynonna teased and lead the way out front to Waverly's jeep. "Let's get this shit over with."

The two of them hauled the last seven or so boxes of Nicole's belongings into the house. Wynonna whined like a little kid who'd been asked to come in from playing, but didn't even break a sweat. "Thank god that's over. You have too much stuff, Haught."

"Oh, shut up."

Nicole busied herself for the next couple hours unpacking all of her things before Waverly got home. She was just hanging up her last jacket when she heard her fiancée come through the front door.

Downstairs Waverly kissed her older sister on the forehead and then headed for upstairs. She squealed with excitement when she saw her room, now their room.

"This makes me so happy!" She said as Nicole embraced her in a hug. "Welcome home, sweetie." Nicole lifted her off her feet and spun around. Even when Waverly was back on the ground neither one of them let go for a few minutes.

They ignored the footsteps on the stairs and continued to hold each other.

"Gross," Wynonna said from the doorway but she was smiling. "Promise you won't have sex when I'm home? Or just keep it silent because I've heard you making my sister moan more than enough already, okay, Haught?"

"I promise. Thanks for letting me move in."

"No problem, I actually might kinda like you."

"I love you too, Wynonna."

Waverly pulled the two of them into hug and kissed them each on the cheek.

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