Heartbroken (part 2)

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(Part 2 of a previous oneshot called Heartbroken so you might wanna read that one first if you don't remember/haven't read it yet. Though I do give context as this one's still 3rd person but Nicole-focused. Also this is long af so I hope y'all appreciate it)

It was early on a Sunday morning and Nicole Haught was curled up on her couch, pyjamas still on and a cup of tea in her hands. She flicked through tv channels mindlessly as she tried to distract herself from the person who'd been on her mind for the last few months. Waverly Earp.

She had it so bad for that girl, but Waverly had had a boyfriend and only seemed interested in Nicole as a friend. She lost almost all hope and tried to get her mind off it with sex. But it wasn't the what that was the issue, it was the who. Who in their right mind has sex with the sister of the girl they want? Nicole Haught, apparently. And to put the cherry on top, Waverly walked in on them.

Funny thing is, Waverly wanted to be with her and if she'd just had a sliver more of patience then they'd be together right now. Probably. But the younger woman needed space and time to clear her head of the events of last month. They'd seen each other a couple times since but only in a work capacity and Waverly never seemed to want to talk for long. Who could blame her?

Nicole knew she needed to stay patient and let Waverly work this out on her own terms but it wasn't easy. She'd been fighting the urge to call her everyday. On the way home from work on Friday Nicole even found herself driving the wrong, the way to the Earp homestead.

Today she would keep her cool. She'd left her phone upstairs to stop any temptations and she planned to spend most of the day cleaning to clear her head.

Nicole swallowed her last mouthful of tea and put the mug down on the little coffee table by the couch. She got up and was just at the foot of the staircase when there was a loud knock on the door. She went over and opened it.

Waverly stood on her front porch looking anxious. Her long brown hair was worn out today and she had on one of her Shorty's crop tops. Her face softened into a small smile at the sight of Nicole.

"Hi," she mumbled.

"Hey, what're you doing here, Waves?"

"I tried calling you like a dozen times and you weren't answering so I got worried."

"Sorry my phone's in my room because... I umm left it up there. Come in," Nicole smiled and held the door open for her. She locked it after and then lead Waverly over to the couch. "Sit down. Umm did you want anything? Water or tea?"

"No, thanks, I'm good." The two women sat side by side with only an inch or two of space between them. Nicole ran a nervous hand through her hair while Waverly twiddled her thumbs.

She stared at the gorgeous brunette. She looked extra beautiful this morning; she seemed to be glowing. Her hazel eyes looked almost blue in the sunlight that shined in through a window, the same light made bits of gold dance in her hair giving her a halo. Nicole pulled herself out of deep thought.

"Right. So," Waverly Earp is in my home. "what was it that you wanted to talk about, when you called?"

"Oh, right. I don't know, I guess I've just missed you lately. And I," she lowered her voice to a whisper and looked into Nicole's eyes, "wanted to hear your voice." Dark pink tinged Nicole's pale cheeks. She smiled.

"I've missed you too," Nicole said softly. "I've missed you a lot."

"Can I kiss you?" Waverly's words were so quiet at this point that Nicole was pretty sure she'd imagined the question. She nodded anyway. And then Waverly's lips were on hers.

Kissing Waverly was amazing. It was like a wave of relief washing over her but at the same time her body tensed up. Her lips were the softest things on earth. She tasted like strawberries and smelled even sweeter. Her arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer, hoping this would never stop. The warmth of Waverly's body against her own rushed through every bit of her.

The way Waverly's lips moved so perfectly felt like heaven. The slow motion that built up to faster movements, as if she was desperate to get more and more of this. Nicole just followed Waverly's lead, enjoying every second of this; she'd been dreaming of this since the first time they met. She was on her back now, Waverly on top of her.

Waverly's right hand moved down from Nicole's soft red hair and rested on her chest as she pulled back from the kiss. Nicole groaned and sat up to fill the gap again; she couldn't hide her disappointment.

"Sorry, if I didn't stop now I don't think I ever would," Waverly murmured breathlessly.

"I honestly wouldn't have minded," Nicole flirted, "no need to be sorry though." Her hand was on Waverly's bare hip, she stroked her thumb gently over the soft skin and was surprised when the woman on her lap let out a small sigh. "Does this mean I can finally take you on a date?"

"Of course. But maybe you could take me upstairs first, show me your room?"


Waverly nodded as a smiled creeped on her face. "Okay, follow me then."

They got up and Nicole lead the way, her hand holding Waverly's. She hoped she wasn't being too obvious about how nervous she was, but then again the breathing behind her was louder than usual, Waverly was probably just as anxious.

"Well, this is it." They'd reached one of the upstairs doors. Nicole pushed it open. "It's not usually this messy," she added, embarrassed about the unmade bed and basket of clean clothes.

"This is messy for you? You're such a dork."

"Like you can talk, Miss 'show me your room'. That's just about the dorkiest pick up line I've ever heard."

Waverly frowned, "I didn't mean anything by it. I'm just curious to see how you live."

"Hey, I'm only teasing, Waves," she ran her thumb back and forth on the back of her hand, "There's no expectations here."

"Right. Okay."

"You can sit down if you want," the redhead suggested, releasing her hand.

Waverly sat on the bed and yawned. "God, you even make being tired look cute," Nicole mumbled as she sat on the other side.

"I didn't sleep last night. My thoughts kept me up."

"Aww, you poor thing, that sucks. Do you wanna talk about? What was keeping you up, I mean."

"Honestly, I couldn't stop thinking about this. Us. You."


"Yeah." She yawned again and looked, almost longingly, at the pillows.

"You can nap here if you want, I don't mind."

Waverly smiled a thank you and slumped back onto the pillows. The smile turned to a frown, however, shortly after as Nicole got off the bed and headed for the door.

"Aren't you going to join me?"

"Do you want me to?"

"Yeah. Is that okay?"

Nicole just smiled, walked over and lay down beside her. She pulled the purple comforter over the two of them and then wrapped her arms around the younger woman. Waverly wriggled back a little and kissed the closest part of Nicole to her lips, which was her inner forearm. Nicole brushed her lips gently on the back of Waverly's neck. Waverly rolled over to face Nicole. She kissed her on the lips before burying her head in her chest. She soon drifted off to sleep to the feeling of Nicole's warm, soft hand slowly running up and down the bare skin of her back.

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