She's Cheer Captain (part 4)

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"We... need... to... go... to... dinner," Nicole muttered through the kiss. Waverly didn't want to let this moment end but after one last passionate kiss she pulled back. "As much as I'm enjoying this, Waverly, if we're late we'll be in trouble."

"I know. We still have 40 minutes though," she pouted, checking the time.

"I need to do my hair still." Nicole indicated the towel on her head as Waverly got off her. She'd been sitting on her lap for the past couple of hours as they kissed and giggled and mostly talked.

"Can I do it?"

"If you want. I'll just dry it first."

Nicole found the hair dryer already plugged in by the sink, from Waverly using it earlier. She flicked it on and began to dry her own hair, until it was all silky soft again. Then she called out to Waverly, who bounded in with a bunch of hair ties in her hand.

"I didn't think I had that much hair," Nicole laughed. Waverly poked her tongue out. "What're you gonna do?"

"Hmmm, I'm not sure. Hold on."

She left and reappeared with one of the chairs from the room and got Nicole to sit facing the mirror. "Your hair is so soft." She ran her fingers through the orange locks as Nicole watched her in the mirror. "Maybe I could braid these bits and leave the rest loose?"

"Sounds good."

Waverly set to work as Nicole sighed and closed her eyes, enjoying this feeling for the second time that day. "Will you sit with me on the bus tomorrow?"

"Obviously. Can you turn your head to the left a little?" Nicole did as she was told. When her hair was all done she opened her eyes and to see how it turned out. Waverly had braided some of it to create a bit of a crown or halo on top of her head, while the rest fell in loose waves just past her shoulders. "You look like a princess."

"Thanks, Waves."

Waverly hugged her from behind and kissed her cheek. "We should probably go now."

"Mhmm. I would recommend that we put on shoes first. Just leave that chair, we can move it later."

Nicole followed Waverly back into the main room and they each put on their shoes before they grabbed their phones and purses and left.

At the dinner they sat together, not too fussed about who else they sat near. The football coach ended up sitting by them and she chatted to them while she sipped her wine, letting comments slip that she wouldn't normally say around students. Like which teachers she hated to work with and who always left messes in the staff room.

"I rant about Mr Clootie every week to my wife and she tells me to just get over if I'm not going to tell him to clean up after himself. But what kind of grown man doesn't know to clean up his crumbs and spills and dishes in a shared kitchen?"

Waverly and Nicole exchanged a look when they heard the words 'my wife'. Neither of them had met anyone who was openly queer before. They just nodded along with her babble, occasionally chiming in here or there.

When they got back to their room later that night, Waverly was quick in asking Nicole to unzip her dress and then did the same for the redhead. The two stood before each other, in the light of the lamp, in just their underwear.

"You're so hot, Haught." Waverly moved towards her and soon found herself wrapped in Nicole's arms. "Tell me what you're thinking in the sweet head of yours," she requested, in a soft voice. Nicole lifted her off her feet and she giggled.

"I was just thinking about all the things we could do tonight instead of sleeping. We can sleep on the bus instead. So we can have this whole night alone together."

"And what kind of things do you want to do with me?" Nicole lowered her back on her feet and caressed her face.

"How about you tell me what you want me to do to you? Or what you wanna do to me."

"For a start, we're gonna need less clothes on."

Nicole smirked, trying not to let her shyness take over as she stripped off the last of her clothing. She bit her lip as she watched Waverly do the same. The brunette lay on the bed with inviting eyes. Nicole straddled her and wiggled a little, adjusting herself. Waverly gasped at this movement which only made Nicole do it again.

"Tell me what you want, baby."

"I want you to touch me all over."

"Mhmm. And what are you gonna do to me?"

"I- I don't know."

"Well you better come up with some ideas while I fuck you, because I really need you to make me feel good."

"Okay. Alright. God, Nicole, not so shy in bed, are you?"

"Sorry. If you wanna stop..."

"I'll let you know. Right now that's the last thing I want... please just touch me."

Nicole began to kiss her. Her lips, her cheek, down her neck, across her collarbone, all over her breasts. She left small pecks on her stomach and then started to kiss her thighs, slowly getting closer to where Waverly wanted her most.

"Please, Nicole," she moaned as Nicole's tongue lightly grazed over her clit. "Please."

"You want me to fuck you with my tongue or fingers?"

"Both, please. Just- aah." Nicole entered a finger inside Waverly who was dripping wet for her. Her mouth latched onto her clit, her tongue swirling in patterns making Waverly writhe. "More!" She added another finger and moved them in and out a little. Waverly moaned again. Nicole sped up her movements. As she could feel Waverly reaching the high she was craving, she pulled out. This earned her a disappointed groan from the brunette.

"Don't worry, baby," she said, before using her mouth in place of her hand. "You taste so good, baby." She felt hands in her hair; Waverly pushing her face further into her and not letting her go.

Nicole worked circles around her clit with her thumb and she continued to eat her out, slowing down as she felt Waverly come. The death grip on her hair relaxed and Waverly's moans got louder. "You did so good, baby," Nicole praised as she finally came up to eye level again. Waverly kissed her, tasting herself in Nicole's mouth.

"I don't think I can fuck you that well," she admitted shyly. "I've never... not with another girl."

"That's okay, I'll guide you if you need it. No pressure." Nicole kissed her some more as Waverly's hands explored her chest. "It won't take much, I'm already so close. I could probably get off on your leg," Nicole said with a laugh.

"No, let me. On your back," she said sweetly. Waverly started to touch Nicole lightly between the legs. "Wow, you're so wet." She brought her hand back up to her mouth to have a taste of Nicole.

"Waves, this isn't the time for teasing. Please just fuck me hard."

She grabbed Waverly by the wrist and guided her hand into place and talked Waverly through what to do. Soon enough, Nicole was screaming out as Waverly moved three fingers inside her, as fast as she could manage. She kissed and sucked at Nicole's neck as she rode out her high and then collapsed on top of her, bringing her fingers up for another taste.

This time she made a show of it, sucking the three fingers clean one by one while Nicole watched, breathing heavily beneath her.


Sorry I'm terrible at smut, but you guys asked for it. Also there's gonna be one more part after this. Just for the cute bus ride home.

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