One Of Our Own

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"Close your eyes, Aunty Waverly, we have a surprise for you!" Nicole called out from the next room. She heard two pairs of footsteps enter the room, one a light patter and the other heavy. She heard the hearty giggle of her little niece as her wife said, "okay, open your eyes!"

Three year old Alice Michelle stood before her in Nicole's uniform shirt, buttoned up to the collar, the bottom grazed the wooden floorboards. Her eyes and big goofy smile were barely visible underneath the Stetson that sat upon her small head.

"Oh my goodness, Alice! You look so cute!"

"Officer Alice!" She yelled.

"Of course, Officer Alice. Where are your boots?"

Nicole fetched her work boots and helped Alice step into the big shoes. She laughed with joy and stomped around the house. No matter how many times she tripped over in the shoes she insisted on still wearing them. At one point she retrieved a toy gun from her room and pretended to arrest a teddy bear. Waverly snapped pictures on her phone and sent them to Wynonna who was busy at work.

When she finally wore herself out, Alice fell asleep on the floor the hat over her face. "Nap time, I think." Waverly scooped up her niece, Nicole grabbed the Stetson before it fell, and they took her to her blue-walled bedroom.

Waverly unbuttoned the shirt and carefully removed it leaving Alice in the clothes she'd worn underneath. They stared as she fell into a deep sleep, she was just too cute to take your eyes off and they'd already missed two years of her life. She looked so much like Wynonna these days with her brown wavy hair, sparkling eyes and a dimpled cheek when she smiled.

"When can we have one of those?" Nicole whispered to Waverly. "I want one of our own."

Waverly pulled Nicole in, she tucked her hands in the back pockets of her lover's jeans. "Absolutely."

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