My Little Warrior (TMNT x Tiny)

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TMNT Ralph x borrower Y/n

Contains no v*re

For @S203324

(Y/n) = your name
(F/c) = favorite color
(h/l) = hair length
(h/c) = hair color
(e/c) = eye color
(s/c) = skin color
(f/p) = favorite pizza

"Not how I wanted to spend my Saturday," Michelle said as she helped her sister, Y/n to her feet. 18-year old Y/n wrung out her wet (h/l), (h/c) hair and (f/c) shirt and looked at herself and Michelle over. Both of them were soaked through from the downpour on the streets of New York City. The sudden flood had caught them by surprise, washing both 5in tall borrowers into a flood drain. Y/n and Mich had both almost drown and would be dead if it weren't for a mesh net that had hung across a big drop that led into fast-moving currents that could easily kill them. The net had caught them in the waterfall and they had crawled across it like a bridge and now rested against a random brick, drying themselves off.

Mich brushed her long deep brown hair out of her face and pulled it back into a braid. Y/n messed with her hair and when both girls were satisfied with their appearance, they sat back down.

"So what now?" Mich asked.

"Well, we're lost in the sewers of NYC, all of our supplies are gone, and we have no way to get back up to the streets," Y/n said, rubbing the back of her neck. Mich nodded her head, looking around at their wet, dimly lit surroundings.

"Ya know, this isn't TOO bad! We can get around without hiding all the time, plus maybe we can make a better living area down here!" She said. Y/n shook her head at her year younger sister.

"How can we get around when we don't even know where we are, Nutjob? Plus, if we lived down here how are we going to get food?" Y/n snapped, the cold making her upset, "Not only that, humans still come down here!"

"Eh... good point, who would want to live in a sewer anyway?" Mich shrugged, causing Y/n to slap her head.


Eventually, both girls made their way to wherever the Waterfall of Death wasn't. Just when Y/n was about to lose it with the nagging from Mich, it grew deathly quiet and Mich's voice suddenly cut off. Y/n looked around frantically for her little sister, then with dread, looked up. A man in a ninja suit had Mich in a tight grip, almost crushing her.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" he sneered, and that's when Y/n noticed the symbol on the man's black suit.

"You're part of the Foot Clan!" Y/n shouted, taking a fighting stance. The Foot Clan soldier laughed and slammed Mich against a nearby pillar, making sickly snapping sounds and screams erupt from her and she fell to the hard cemented ground.

"MICH!!! You'll pay for that, you S.O.B!!!" Y/n screamed furiously as the soldier landed in front of the small girl.

"How will I do that, Midget?" he said, a cruel smirk clear in his tone. You can imagine his shocked when the 5in tall girl suddenly jumped up impossibly high and punched him hard in the face.

(If you want an example, here's Mantis fighting from Kung Fu Panda 3, this is how both Mich and Y/n fight. You'll have to skip to Mantis fighting)

As Y/n was about to make another punch and jump, she was slammed to the ground; wind knocked out of her lungs.

"It seems rumors are true, there are Grasshopper Girls in New York. And I just caught two of them," the soldier said stepping on Y/n. A strangled scream escaped her and pressure and darkness grew more intense until the weight of the soldier's foot was suddenly gone and new voices surrounded her.


"Shut up Mikey!"

"Um, guys... You might want to look at this." A series of punching sounds and grunts of pain sounded until running was heard and faded away.

"Hehe! Yeah! Runaway, coward!"

"Leo, look."

"A small human?"

"Lemme see! Whaaaaaaaaaaat? Dude! SHE LOOKS LIKE AN ACTION FIGURE!!!"

"That Foot Clan soldier nearly killed her, is there another one around here?"

Y/n suddenly felt strong rough, but gentle finger's wrap around and faintly noticed red and green.

"Here's another one, Donny."

The last thing Y/n saw was four blurry figures and a 3 fingered hand before everything went black and she slipped into empty darkness.


When Y/n woke up, the first thing she noticed that she had little to no more pain and that she was pretty stiff. The second thing was that she was laying on a blue fuzzy blanket in some kind of sewer bedroom and that Mich was snoring beside her.

"MICH!!" Y/n screamed happily, forgetting to not shout. Mich jumped up and clutched her sides, then laid back down.

"I think I broke a few ribs, also that soldier needs to work on his insults! Grasshopper Girls? What kinda idiot came up with that idea?!" Mich ranted, looking at Y/n. That's when both girls noticed the bandages wrapped around their bodies; Mich had thick ones on her chest and one of her legs and Y/n had thick bandages on her chest as well.

"What the? Who did this?" Y/n asked, standing up on the blanket. Mich shrugged.

"Your guess is as good as mi- HOLY FART NUGGET A TURTLE!!!" Mich screamed pointing at the humanoid turtle in the room who also started screaming.

"AAAHHHHHH!!! LEO!!! THEY SAW ME!!! AHHHH!!!" And with that, he ran out of the room. Y/n immediately grabbed Mich and began to run to the edge of the table. Y/n jumped down and landed without hurting herself, but Mich stayed on the table, looking down fearfully.

"Mich! Come on we gotta get outta here!" Y/n yelled.

"I can't walk, much less run!"

"Shoot! What now?"

"Um, maybe you both should stay still for a little bit?" Both girls turned to see another humanoid turtle that had a bow staff and a purple mask. He seemed like he could be a nerd. Y/n jumped up on to the table and stood in front of Mich.

"Back off!" Y/n snapped. Three more turtles showed up behind the purple-masked one. One wearing a blue mask slowly came forward and knelt by the table, getting eye level with Y/n and Mich.

"Listen, we have no intentions to hurt you. If that were the case, we would've left you where we found you. My name is Leonardo, but you can call me Leo," Leo said, a small smile making his way across his face. The orange-masked one then pushed Leo out of the way and shouted;

"MY NAME'S MIKEY!!" he beamed, however, a surprised Y/n sent him a solid punch in the nose, causing him to stagger back. Mikey shook his head and sneezed, which Miched laughed at. The red-masked turtle crossed his arms and smirked.

"That's a big punch for a Pipsqueak," he smirked.

"You called her a Pipsqueak. SHouldn't have done that~," Mich sang as Y/n jumped across the room and kicked the red turtle onto the ground. Standing with her arms crossed on her chest, Y/n scowled.

"Say that again, you're turtle soup," she hissed. Mich and Mikey both made 'blah' sounds at the sound of turtle soup. Leo gently scooped Y/n off Ralph and laughed.

"Never thought I'd see Ralph get beat up by a girl," Leo grinned, sending everyone into laughing fits. Ralph growled and stood up.

"I let her win," he snapped.

"No ya didn't," Mikey and Mich said at the same time. The two looked at each other and gasped.


Everyone facepalmed as the two jumped up and down like they just won the lottery, screaming things like mind reading and Jedi stuff. Ralph looked at Y/n with a curious look in his eyes; she was strong and had a powerful fighting spirit. She was also a punk like him, not letting anyone push her around. Whether he knew it or not, he was slowly growing a feeling for Y/n.

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