Bumblebee x Knockout x OC

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BE WARNED THAT THIS IS... really really cringy... but amazing! Also, this was a roleplay with @Wolf34howler

Enjoy ya'll! Also the OC is Mackie from My Car's an Autobot and this story is OBVIOUSLY NON-CANON TO THAT BOOK!!!

McKenzie or Mackie sat about near a road leaning against a tree. She was driving home from her job as a mechanic when her car ironically broke down. She spent the last hour and a half trying to fix it but so far it wasn't starting. Tired the 17year old leaned against the tree, her black tank top and dark jeans and old shoes cover in grease.

"Like my day can't get much worse," Mackie grumbled, extremely pissed off

Bee was out for a drive taking a break from base when he came across a broke down car before he pulled up beside the car and honked.

Mackie scowled and looked up at the yellow and black car. "What do you want punk?" Mackie asked standing up, her wrench at the ready. Bee looked around before he transformed "Little lady calm it alright I wanna help!" He spoke from the radio as he towered above her. Mackie screamed and threw her wrench at bumblebee.

"STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!!!" She screamed, trying to reach for another wrench on her car. Her car was an old blue Honda and it was currently the only thing listed between her and Bumblebee. When Mackie got scared, she acted angry and violent. Bee whirled sadly before he picked up the car moved it to behind him while keeping the girl in sight.

"Listen to me Imma good guy, I'm not gonna hurt you." Bee spoke through the radio again.

Mackie shook her head. "We just met! How can I trust you?!" She snapped her other wrench ready to be thrown. Her eyes darted around trying to find a way to escape. Bee quickly put his hands up "Hey I'm not hurting you alright. Come on I'm not a con." The radio spoke out.

Mackie looked up at him, confusion anger and fear on her face. "The hell is a con?" She asked, slowly lowering her wrench. "And what are you for that matter?"

"A con is the bad guy, see my symbol?? Its blue meaning I'm good. Oh I'm an Autobot!! We protect you guys!!" Bee said happily

Mackie hummed in response lowering her wrench completely, but still keeping her guard up. "So... who are you?" Mackie asked crossing her arms. She was slowly growing impressed with the amount of robotics put into this thing.

"I'm Bumblebee the scout pleased to meet your acquaintance miss...." Bee said, kneeling in front of her.

"Mackenzie, but everyone calls me Mackie," Mackie replied with a lazy two fingered salute. "Oh and I am a mechanic." Bee nodded and started to say something before a ground bridge opened and con scouts came out. Bee panicked and grabbed Mackie before disappearing into the trees behind him to hide. Mackie yelped and wiggled in Bee's grip, beating her fist against his hand.

"PUT ME DOWN!" Mackie shouted angrily. Bee quickly covered her mouth hoping the con scouts didn't hear anything. Mackie struggled to get the giant metal finger off her face. Bee sighed thinking before he opened his chest compartment and placed her inside before he closed it after he had strapped her down. Before a first slammed into his face. Bee quickly got back up and started to attack the cons back.

"What the hell?! Hey let me out!" Mackie shouted blindly hitting the "floor". Bee was distracted for a second which allowed a con to punch him and then grabbed his chest before trying to force it open and Bee quickly punched him off before getting up and running into a cave nearby. He then quickly pulled Mackie out of his chest.

"What are you doing yelling like that if they find you, you are gonna die!" Bee snapped before he heard voices outside and quickly pulled a boulder into the entrance and turned on his headlights thinking of what to do.

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