Alastor x Human Borrower

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For @CrazyGhost6673 enjoy! 😁 Also, ya'll be 16 in this >:3

Y/n = your name
e/c = eye color
h/l = hair length
h/c = hair color
f/c = favorite color
s/c = skin color

Y/n couldn't believe it. She woke up in the walls of a hotel in hell! And the worse part was, she was freaking 3 inches tall! All she remembered was being her size at home on earth, going to bed and waking up like this! Thankfully the hotel seemed abandoned for the time being but just as she set out to find food, the front doors flung open and a group of demons walked into the hotel. One of them, a tall, red one with a red microphone, was going on about jambalaya and he looked like a talk show host and his voice sounded like it was coming through an old radio. Y/n watched him for a minute before disappearing back into the "safety" the walls of the hotel. She stayed like this for two weeks; hiding in the walls of the hotel, eating whatever food she could find, sleeping in scraps, and avoiding demons. One day she made it into a massive kitchen and fresh food was all laid out on the counter. Y/n wondered why the 6 demons would need so much food, seeing as they haven't had a single hotel guest. Y/n didn't bother to answer her own question and ran across the counter. She carefully picked up a piece of strawberry and smelled it make sure it wasn't poisoned and it wasn't. Y/n greedily bit into the juicy fruit and sighed as the sweet tangy juice hit her senses. She was so wrapped up in the yummy fruit that she didn't hear someone enter the kitchen.

"Well! Isn't this interesting?" A loud upbeat voice exclaimed. Y/n screamed out in surprise and dropped the strawberry, which was instantly picked up by none other than the radio demon himself. Y/n froze to her spot as the demon towered above her, studying the suddenly very interesting strawberry. Y/n's e/c eyes darted all over the room trying to find an escape route, but all were too risky. Alastor glanced down at the tiny human, his enteral smile ever-present on his face. She was searching for an escape and Alastor could strongly smell the fear coming off her. He bent down and held the strawberry piece on the tip of his finger, out towards Y/n.

"I believe you claimed this as yours?" Alastor asked her, his tone still upbeat.  Y/n looked up into his red eyes and carefully took back the strawberry, not trusting him. Alastor studied her; the girl was three inches tall, had h/l h/c hair, e/c eyes, s/c skin, and wore a black tank top, a dirty f/c patterned button-up shirt around her waisted, faded torn jeans and grey converse. Alastor smiled inwardly to himself, thinking her a pretty little thing, but there was one problem.

"Now I do believe its time I ask you some questions miss-?" Alastor asked her, jumping on the table that sat just behind him. He swung his left leg over his right and looked back at the little girl.

"O-oh... um... I-I'm Y/n," Y/n replied, sitting on the edge of the plate she got the strawberry from, still very cautious; after all, it's not every day you have a conversation with a demon a hundred times your size!  Alastor hummed in response.

"Quite a lovely name my dear," he answered, giving a nod at Y/n. Y/n smiled a bit.

"Thanks, Alastor," she said. Alastor gave her a confused expression.

"You know me?" he asked, a tad surprised. Y/n nodded slightly.

"Not very well honestly, I only picked up names I hear and see," Y/n replied. Alastor gave another hum and disappeared, making Y/n jump in surprise. "Now how about why a human such as yourself is here in hell and at this size?" Alastor asked, suddenly sitting right beside Y/n at her height, but just a hair taller. Y/n yelped and fell back into the fruit on the plate. Alastor watched as she struggled to get free. He smirked, enjoying watching this cute darlin' make a fool of herself. 

"I don't know! I go to bed at my house and wake up like this!" Y/n cried pushing a huge strawberry out of her way. Alastor disappeared then reappeared as his regular size and plucked Y/n out of the strawberries and held her in his hand, studying her again. Her fear levels had spiked and even though Alastor was a murderer and a cannibal, even he knew that a soul should not be in heaven or hell until their time has come. This girl had many a long year ahead of her and needed to leave hell before she was wrongly killed. It was finding a way to get her out of hell and back to earth that was tricky. He set Y/n down on the table and pulled up a chair. Y/n tried to bolt away, but Alastor simply grabbed the back of her button-up f/c shirt and set her back down in front of him.

"Now dear I need you to listen carefully. You're in hell and your time is not up yet, meaning you're here wrongly. Now, under different circumstances, I could personally care less if you lived or died, but seeing as because of you a very delicate balance is now at risk, I'll help you get home to earth," Alastor said. Y/n's eyes widened, not believing what she was hearing.

"Y-You're going to help me get home?!" she cried, her e/c eyes shining with hope and relief. Alastor hid a faint blush. "Why the hell is she so damn cute? It's the eyes, that's what it is," he thought to himself. Y/n then surprised both herself and him by hugging his finger. She quickly let go as Alastor looked down at her confused, and then chuckled.

"I wouldn't thank me until you're home, nor would I get my hopes up too high," he warned. Y/n sighed then nodded, a tad bit embarrassed from the hug. Alastor's stomach started to growl so he stood up and grabbed a few strawberries and looked back a Y/n who just sat nervously. Alastor then had a thought; he had to keep Y/n hidden, make sure she didn't run away and was hungry. He smirked to himself and silently cast a spell on himself. He turned back to Y/n with a smile.

"My dear, due to complications I'm afraid you'll have to stay hidden and rather close to me unless you want to "accidentally" get crush or killed," Alastor said, scooping Y/n up into his hand. Y/n didn't like the vibe this demon was currently giving her. It felt off and uncomfortable. She took a deep breath and wait for Alastor to continue.

"My darlin' Y/n, how well do you trust me?" he asked her. Y/n was puzzled at this question.

"I really don't trust you," Y/n carefully answered. Alastor smirked and brought the 3-inch tall girl closer to his face, his red eyes piercing her e/c ones.

"I'm afraid you don't have a choice my little darlin'," the radio demon smirked. Y/n yelped as Alastor tossed her in the air a bit and grabbed the back of her shirt. He then dangled her over his open mouth.  Y/n began to scream, not wanting to die like this. Alastor quickly dropped her in his mouth and snapped his mouth shut. Y/n laid frozen from fear in pitch blackness and started crying. Alastor rolled his eyes when he tasted salt from her tears and set about covering her in saliva. Y/n herself didn't have a particular taste Alastor could associate her with since he was used to flesh and blood, but her clothes were covered in strawberry juice, so she tasted like strawberries. Y/n screamed and kicked blindly at the tongue that was attacking her, licking and rolling her around like candy, coating her in saliva. Alastor hummed to himself at her antics, Y/n's screaming and fighting was quite entertaining. He quickly tilted his head back and swallowed hard, tracing Y/n's screaming, crying, wiggling form to his stomach. Alastor sighed a bit when he felt Y/n drop into his stomach with a satisfying weight. Y/n, on the other hand, was freaking out and about to have a panic attack. She stood up and blindly clawed and kicked at Alastor's stomach walls. It was so dark Y/n had a hard time telling if her eyes were open or not.

"L-LET ME OUT!!!" she screamed/sobbed. Alastor sat back down in his chair and put a hand on his stomach, feeling little bumps come and go.

"No my little Y/n, I'm afraid I won't," Alastor replied in his usual tone. Y/n wiped her eyes.

"And why not? You said you'd help me and that I can't die!" Y/n shouted, still standing but leaning against the walls for support. Alastor smirked and poked at her, sending her falling back and sliding a bit in her new wet and slick environment.

"And I am helping you! You see, I can't trust you to not run away and get yourself killed, I might be a cannibal but I much prefer my meals dead, and haven't you noticed that nothing is happening?" Alastor asked. Y/n sat up, sure it was dark as hell, but there was no pain or burning sensation. It was just warm, wet, and squishy. "Until I find a set way or until I can trust you not to run, I'm afraid you're my new little house guest miss Y/n."

Y/n sighed and leaned back into the walls, still having a hard time believing she wasn't going to die. But as Alastor said, she didn't have a choice. Whether it was intentional or not, Y/n ended up falling asleep pretty quickly. Alastor stood up from his chair and rubbed his belly, secretly enjoying Y/n's company. Charlie entered the kitchen as Alastor was about to leave.

"Hey, Al! We got our fist hotel guest!" the princess of hell squealed with delight. Alastor's smile widened.

"Haha! Very good! Now let's give these burning fools a place to dwell~"

I think that's a good way to end this story :3
Hope you enjoyed it!

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