Giant Cuphead x Mallory

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For my sis XSharkyxSharkX check out her page! Also, girl, you owe me a pop in! Also, Mallory is her OC and this is going to be HEAVILY based off her book. Go give it a read and I hope ya'll enjoy this!

Ps, that is Sharky's picture, so don't steal it

PPs, this is so LAZY!

Mallory's day began like any other; wake up in her tent, get ready for the day, and pack up to keep on traveling with Bendy, Boris, her brother Felix, and Mugman to look for the missing Ink Machine piece. What she did not expect though was to see a pair of giant black shoes sitting a few yards from her tent. She looked up and yelled, alerting the other camp members of the dilemma.

"Mallory what is- OH MY INK MACHINE!!!" Felix shouted as he walked out of his tent. Cuphead was now, somehow, bigger then Cala Maria. Cuphead heard the yelling and looked down, an annoyed and slightly scared expression on his face. He was sitting against a hill and had his hands resting "calmly" in his lap. His feet were crossed and Mugman was sitting on his giant shoe. Bendy and Boris came out of their tents and Bendy started laughing like an insane person. Everyone, especially Cuphead, threw him dirty looks.

"What?! This is f*cking hilarious! Hehahaha!" Bendy cried tears in his eyes.

"You know I can easily kill you know right? Not to mention, blast you, crush you... eat you," Cuphead said counting the ways on his fingertips. Everyone looked up at him with a concerned look. "Okay, maybe not the last one."

"How did you get like this Cuppy?" Mallory shouted/asked. Cuphead crossed his giant arms and softly glared at her.

"I can hear you fine when you're talking, not shouting," was his snarky reply. Mallory frowned and walked over to his leg. Mugman waved at her from his spot on Cup's shoe and watched her climbed up (with some difficulty) onto his big, figurately and literally, brother's leg. Mallory sat and scowled.

"Again, how did you get like this?!" she asked in a more demanding tone. Cuphead shrugged.

"I was sleeping when some random girl dragged me out of my tent earlier this morning and said something like "Its Inkslinging time" and the next thing I knew, I was bigger than Cala," Cuphead replied, messing with his head floof.

Somewhere in the distance, the Inkslinger giggled...

Mallory hummed in response. Cuphead looked at Felix.

"Hey, Mister Adventure Cat, any idea on how to fix this?" Cuphead asked, slightly rolling his leg causing Mallory and Mugman to slide off his leg. Felix looked Cuphead over and shook his head.

"I'm afraid I don't know. We either find the girl who did this or take advantage of this. Personally I say take advantage! With Cuphead this size, it would save us so much travel time!" Felix said, somewhat excited. Bendy and Cuphead glared at each other when Felix finished his sentence.

"I will not carry him/I will not be carried by him," they both said. Felix sighed as Mallory giggled at this.

"Well, find the girl it is," Felix said. There was a new laugh and a girl jumped out of a puddle of blue ink. She had tan skin, brown red hair, and bright green eyes. She wore a plain white tank top that had many ink splashes on it. She also wore a soft blue button up shirt around her middle, dark jeans, and grey shoes. She also held a brown leather book and black penicle.

"You won't have to look far for her then!" the girl smirked. Cuphead scowled at her and tried to grab her but failed as she simply pushed Bendy in front of her and Cuppy grabbed him.

"Hey you over grown china set! PUT ME DOWN!" Bendy roared. Cuphead set him down and glared at the girl. Mallory stormed up to her, her face red.

"Why did you do this to Cuphead?! What did he ever do to you?!" Mallory demanded. The girl shrugged her shoulders.

"Exsist? I didn't think you needed a valid reason to prank your own sister's creations," the girl replied. Everyone looked confused.


"Nothing, now I can fix this. Oh, my name is Katie by the way. But to fix this, Cuphead must perform a task," Katie said a smirk growing on her face. The smirk made everyone, including Cuphead, uneasy.

"And that task is?" Cuphead asked, now looming over the group and their camp. Katie looked at him then to Mallory.

"You have to kiss Mallory," she smirked. Both Mallory and Cuphead's faces turned red as Boris and Mugman both covered each other's eyes and Bendy was about to explode from laughter. Felix stared at Katie in shock.

"A-are you serious?!" he yelled. Katie just nodded. CUphead groaned and carefully picked up Mallory and gently kissed her head. Mallory's tail went straight up and her blue fur almost turned red. Cuphead smiled at her.

"You're pretty cute this tiny," he teased. Mallory was about to say something else when they both ended up back in camp, Katie gone and Cuppy his own size again. Mallory stood up and gave him a shove.

"Im not cute!" she yelled, storming off. Felix shrugged, just glad that was over and they can get back on the trail.

Im lazy >:3

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