Clockwork x human borrower

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For pyro207 Enjoy! Be warned, this will be deathly short. Also, this story will be paying a small tribute to Ticci Toby, who is sadly no longer in the CreepyPasta community. We miss ya Tobes...

Clockwork had arrived at her last house of the night; a small home just outside the city. She was tasked to kill a drug user who lived alone in that house. Simple enough right? Hell yeah! Clockwork smirked as she kicked down the door. The first thing she saw was bottles everywhere and she caught a glimpse of a birdcage in the corner but it was the fat man on the couch who had her attention at the minute. She tapped him on the shoulder and he snapped awake, blindly swing a knife at her.

"Your time is up," Clockwork smirked, running her knife through the man's skull. He dropped dead in a matter of seconds. Clockwork wiped her hands on her jacket and turned to the birdcage. It seemed empty, but when she turned away from it a whimper came from it. Now very curious, Clocky walked up to the cage, which was superseded in the air by a rope that attached to the ceiling. Inside was the very last thing she ever expected.

A borrower.

It was a young male borrower, couldn't be older than 17. He was bruised beyond measure and his clothes were so torn they couldn't be called clothes. Clockwork at first thought that she was just tired, but a double glance and a poke with her knife proved otherwise. The birdcage he was in was old and filthy and smelled bad too. Clocky rolled her eye and opened the cage, grabbing the borrower in the process. He screamed and began to cry, which surprised her. She brought the kid close to her face and her eye widened. The kid looked so much like Toby; fluffy brown hair and soft brown eyes. Ticci Toby was no longer in the mansion, seeing as he wanted to make his own name and adventure. He left the Creepypasta family forever and Clockwork missed him dearly.

"P-please miss don't k-k-kill me," the kid stuttered from fear. Clockwork stared at him with a sad expression; the poor kid looked like he'd just gone through hell. She quickly stuffed him in her jacket pocket and bolted out of the house. She ran into a nice neighborhood on the rich side of town and towards a randomly selected house. Now, Clocky was no borrower expert, but she knew that this kid would need a new home. She knelt down by a vent and pulled the kid out and set him by the vent.

"I ain't gonna kill ya. But you should probably skedaddle," Clockwork whispered to him. The kid smiled and hugged her finger, making Clocky's heart melt. Before the kid disappeared into the vent Clocky stopped him. "Do you have a name?" she asked him. The borrower shook his head sadly. This made Clocky smile a bit.

"Can I call you Tobes? It's short for Toby," she said. The kid smiled brightly.

"I like that name miss, and thank you," Tobes waved disappearing into the vents. Clockwork smiled to herself and walked back to the mansion. She knew full well she'd never see that borrower again, seeing that will 99% certainly move houses now that he's free, but that doesn't matter. Sure, Slender might beat the hell out of her for not killing someone who seen her but it would be worth it. Whether Clockwork admitted it or not, this was closure for her; letting go of Ticci Toby was difficult, but with that borrower, Toby's departure seemed easier to let go of now.

And she was thankful for that.

"Cya Toby, don't get yourself killed," Clockwork smiled.

The End.

Told ya it would be short, but I personally needed to write this story the way it is. I'll miss Ticci Toby no doubt about it, but I know I'll move on and be happy for both him and his creator, no matter what adventures and perils they face.

Goodbye Ticci Toby, and thanks for the fun, adventures, and waffles you gave to the CreepyPasta Community.

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