Want a Slice? (TMNT x borrower child)

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For @S203324 and I have nothing to say about this story... I apologize.

Contains no v*re

7-year-old Y/n had a very rough week. The streets of NYC are no place for an orphaned borrower. They had found very little food and they were very cold, not to mention, predators were always hunting their kind. Predators to love a tasty little borrower for a snack, but Y/n had always been good at avoiding them, especially since one predator killed and ate their parents. Later in the evening, Y/n found a hotdog that was still fresh and warm. Their mouth watered and they ran happily to it, glad to finally have some food. That's when a dark laugh echoed

"Hello, rat," the predator hissed. Y/n screamed and ran as fast as they could. The predator was about to grab them when Y/n fell off the street curb and into a sewer drain. The predator immediately tried to grab them, but Y/n bolted away, running blindly through the dark.

Y/n had no idea how long they had been running, but their aching legs told them they needed to rest. Y/n collapsed in a small drain pipe and started crying. Tired, cold, and hungry.

"I-I miss mommy and d-daddy," they sobbed. Then they smelled something coming from the pipe they were in. I wasn't a foul sewer smell, no, it smelled like food. Y/n wiped their eyes and crawled through the pipe. After several minutes of crawling the pipe lead into an open room. It looked a lot like a kitchen, but this one was underground in the sewers. Y/n looked around for any signs of humans and noticed a huge, hot cheese pizza sitting on the wooden counter. Their stomach growled at the mere sight of it. Deciding to risk it, Y/n crawled out of the pipe and ran to the pizza.

Donnie's POV

Mikey, Leo, and Ralph had training still. I had gotten done with my work earlier than them (for the norm) and decided to reward myself with the best slice of cheese pizza in the box! I hummed happily thinking about it and before I entered the kitchen area, I heard a small noise. It sounded like little 'noms'.

"I swear if a stray ray is in the pizza," I walked in, ready to shoo the rat away, only to come across something much more unexpected eating the pizza. A 2-inch-tall person.

"Hey," I start. They looked at me and screamed. They jumped off the pizza and tried to run, but I grabbed a nearby glass cup and brought it down on top of them. I scooped them up and brought the glass to my face to get a better look at them. They had pressed themselves up against the glass and had their leg pulled up to their chest and covered their face with their hands. They were in old clothes and had s/c skin and h/l, h/c hair. They looked pretty young too.

"Hey, its okay little guy! I won't hurt you," I smiled, hoping to make them feel better. They slowly looked up at me, and the second their e/c eyes met mine they whimpered and covered their face again.

"P-please, don't kill me Mr. M-Monster," they sobbed. Now that hurts, they think I'm going to hurt them. I sigh and carefully slide them onto my palm. They backpedaled into my fingers and I set them on the table. I went back and grabbed the pizza and set it near them.

"Want a slice?" I smile. They looked to me to the pizza and cautiously went to the pizza and slowly began to eat.

"You haven't eaten in a bit, have you?" I asked. They shook their head at me and swallowed their food.

"No. It's hard to find food, and my name is Y/n," they said.

"My name's Donatello, but everyone calls me Donnie," I reply holding my finer out to them. Y/n caught onto what I was trying to do and shook my finger.

"Good to meet you, Mr. Donnie! But, what are you?" Y/n asked


I'm still a little scared. Mr. Donnie could still eat me. Maybe he's just fattening me up! He also looks a bit like a ninja with a purple mask.

"Well, Y/n, in answer to your question, I'm a turtle!" he smiled. I giggle a bit.

"Never seen a turtle like you before," I reply, setting my pizza piece down. Donnie moves his hand towards me and I slowly scooch away, but he still picks me up. He carefully pushes back a bit of hair from my face and gently pets my head.

"Ya know, me and my brothers could take good care of you. Mikey would absolutely love you and Master Splinter would definitely say yes!" Donnie says happily. I smile at him and notice three other turtles and a giant rat behind him. Donnie follows my gaze and yelps at the sight of them and holds me closer to his chest.

"Donatello, who is that young one?" the rat asks. A red one grabs me and holds me upside down. I start shaking and crying only to be taken back by Donnie.

"BACK OFF RALPH!!! The kid's been through a bunch!" Donnie yells at 'Ralph' while the rat slaps him on the head. The rat then looks at me and asks Donnie if he could hold me. I look at Donnie and he gives me a reassuring smile as he gently gives me to him. The rat introduces himself as Splinter and gives me a small finger shake. He hands me back to Donnie and says that I can stay and if I'd like to, learn how to be a ninja! I eagerly shake my head, yes and soon I knew the others' names. A few days later, Donnie set up a small room for me and gave me my very own f/c ninja mask like his. He acts like a big brother towards me and I love him like my own brother too.

To think that this wonderful new home and a wonderful new family was just a pizza slice away!

Tada! 1006 words!

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