Little Forest Friend (Human x fairy)

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For EleneMaz

Y/n's POV

I was walking in the woods to my favorite spot; a small clearing surrounded by all kinds of wildflowers. I liked going there at night especially because I got the clearest view of the sky and stars, plus fireflies would dance everywhere. It truly was (in my opinion) a magical place. I arrive there just as the sun sets and lay down in the flowers. Poppies, forget-me-nots, dandelions, and other sways in the breeze as the stars come out in the velvet sky. I sighed feeling peaceful, but it wasn't long before I felt something was off. I sat up and looked around; I couldn't see anything at first then I saw a firefly that was three times larger than the other ones. I watched it for a second. Each time it flew to one firefly, that firefly would vanish. I stood up and began to follow it, chasing it around the field. This went on for a few minutes and I was having fun. It almost felt like playing tag with a fairy! Suddenly the large firefly flew into my chest and shoved me to the ground. I was shocked, to say the least!

"Are you done yet human? Hurting my flowers is one thing, messing with ME is another," the firefly snapped. It was still so bright that all I could see was a glowing golden ball of light.

"Who or what are you?!" I cried. The light dimmed and there was a fairy hovering in front of my face. Her hair was red and long and she wore a pale pink flower dress. Her wings were transparent butterfly wings and she held a small net that contained a single firefly. Her height was two, maybe three, inches tall and she looked about my age.

"Well? Are you going to answer me human?" she asks again, still sounding rather impatient with me. I shake out of my trance and sit up.

"I guess I'm done chasing you, and also my name is Y/n, so you don't have to keep calling me human," I reply, kind of surprised at how casual I sounded. The fairy smirked and flew in a circle before making a dramatic bow.

"And I'm Maz, Maz Wildstem," Maz said, partly smiling. She took her net and scooped up another firefly.

"Why catch them?" I asked her. She rolled her eyes.

"I'm a firefly farmer, its what I do. Too many fireflies in one place can ruin the flowers, plus other parts of the forest need lights," Maz replied as-a-matter-of-factly. I watched her go around then the meadow until she had a full net. She flew back to me and sat on my shoulder.

"Alright, human Y/n, if you're gonna hang out here, you might as well make yourself useful. Now stand up," Maz ordered. I stood up quickly but began to question myself as to why I was suddenly taking orders from a fairy. I guess surrealness of the situation I was in caused my brain to shut down. Rip me. Anyway, Maz tells me to start heading into the forest and I got a little nervous about that. She seemed to catch my uneasiness and said that the most dangerous thing I might have to face is a raccoon. I decided to trust her and walked into the forest. Once we were out of sight of the meadow, Maz let the fireflies in her net go. Imagine being under a canopy of trees, in total darkness, your only light a faint glow from a fairy's net. Next picture the fairy letting the fireflies go and lighting up the area in a steady sparkling pulse. It truly was beautiful! Satisfied, Maz had me go back to the meadow. She was about to have me help her with another trip when I got a message from my parents.

"I have to go Maz," I said, sorry I had to leave. Maz pouted for a second before flying right into my face and staring me dead in the eye. Yeesh, this fairy scares me!

"Know this.......... You're welcome to come back anytime, particularly night time. It'd be nice to have someone help wrangle fireflies," Maz smiled, booping my nose. I blink then smile. I agreed to come back and kept my word I would. Maz and I grew to be good friends, even though she's a little bossy. I was glad to not only have a place to escape to at the end of the day, but also a friend to run to.

The End.

Not one of my longer, or prouder stories, but I'm glad I got this one done and I'm happy with the results. Hope you all enjoyed! =)

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