Sally X Giant Terminator

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A short story for AllisonPowerKitsune

I hope this helps you! =)

Dr. Sally of Dreamverse sighed with relief. Her day's work was finished and it was still early in the evening. Her zombie cat Zero came over to her and jumped on her head.

"We done yet? I'm tired!" he whined. Sally nodded and stood up as Emily, a little brown fire puppy girl, came over to her and Zero. The three walked out of Sally's home and decided to take a stroll through the woods before it got too dark. Zero sat and snored softly on Sally's head and Emily walked beside her, occasionally stopping to smell the wildflowers of the forest. She wagged her tail as she gathered an arm full of the sweet flowers. Sally giggled as she watched Emily go from flower patch to flower patch, adding to her flower collection. Zero had completely rolled over on her head and his snoring sounding like a freaking Lamborghini on the highway. The three continued their walk and suddenly Sally stopped, an eerie feeling taking over her scenes. Emily noticed and walked up to her, starting to feel off as well. Zero was too deep in sleep to notice anything. They stood still and listened; the massive trees in the woods seemed to be closing in on them. Emily growled when something floated towards them. Sally's heart rate sped up when she saw the red balloon floating towards them.

"RUN!!!" Sally shouted. They ran away from the balloon as a creepy clown laugh echoed around them. Sally pulled out her phone to call Allison for help, but she was harshly swiped at by a gloved hand. Zero woke with a snap as another hand grabbed him from Sally and then grabbed Emily. The two creatures were held in a tight grasp as Pennywise the Dancing clown's giant face poked from the trees.

"Hello Sally~ would you like to float?" he sneered at her. Sally screamed and ran away, upset that she had to leave Emily and Zero in Pennywise's unforgiving grip. She ran and ran blindly through the dark forest only to run smack into something hard. She stumbled back and winced. She looked up and froze when she was met with a giant. Half his face was made of metal and had a bright glowing red eye and the human half had a blue eye. He had tan skin and dark brown hair. He wore a black leather jacket, a white shirt, dark blue jeans, and brown boots that Sally had run into.

"Hm? Oh, aren't you curious," the giant said, who Sally recognized as Terminator, or Arnold Schwarzenegger. He knelt down and picked out the girl, who instantly backpedled away on his hand.

"L-leave me! Please!" Sally cried. Arnold tilted his head at her panicked state. He gently began to rub her back.

"Calm down ma'am, I won't hurt you," he said, with a slight smile. Sally looked up at him, a little worried. She had heard of this feared giant, who was a dangerous bounty hunter and assassin known across Dreamverse, Lightverse, and many others. All those who dared to cross his path were never heard from again. "Now, why are you running in the woods this late?"

Before Sally could answer, an all too familiar evil clown laugh echo around them and Pennywise appeared through the trees. Arnold stood up and scowled, putting a mechanical over Sally.

"Well~ Hello Arny! What might you be doing out here?" Pennywise asked, both Zero and Emily in hand. Sally saw them through Arnold's fingers and froze; they looked in bad shape.

"My business is my business," Arnold coldly replied. Pennywise sniffed the air and smirked.

"I see you have my dinner," he sneered at him. Arnold scowled, his red eye glowing brighter as Sally began to tremble more. Arnold growled, and knew he'd have to fight. It didn't take a genius to know that this clown is what the young girl was running from. Arnold also knew that his girl was a very close friend to the Empress of Dreamverse, which did make her, as well as the other egos, very high targets. Arnold quickly shot at Pennywise and ran into the woods a little ways with Sally still in hand. Fighting the clown, he had no problem with, but he would have to put Sally somewhere safe for the time being. He lifted her up to his face and gave her a concerned look.

"I'm sorry, but this is for your own good. Please don't fight," Arnold said bringing his hand to his mouth and letting her slide in. Sally yelped as she land on a metallic tongue. Half of the mouth was flesh, like the gums and left cheek, but the teeth, tongue and right cheek were a kind of sliver metallic flesh. The teeth looked like real teeth at first, but Sally quickly found out it was a type of white metal known as ivory. She didn't have time to fight before one quick, slobbering lick and she was swallowed. She yelped as she landed in what she hoped was the storage stomach. It looked to be made of just flesh, but lights from Arnold's mechanical side glowed through the flesh walls and lit up the stomach some, so it wasn't completely dark. Outside, Arnold was in a fighting stance as the killer clown raced at him, fangs and claws bared. Zero and Emily were in his hand still so that played in Arnold's favor. With a quick, yet skilled, dodge-punch-and-grab, Arnold had both Zero and Emily in his hand. While Pennywise was taking a second to recover, he quickly, but carefully, shoved them into his mouth and swallowed. Sally winced as she heard more swallowing sounds and moved away from the entrance. Zero and Emily landed with a yelp.

"Hey! GETOFFOFME!!!" Zero snapped. Emily quickly got up.

"Sorry!" she cried. She saw Sally and gasped. "Sally!" she tackled her with a hug. Zero and Emily, aside from a few bruises, were okay. The three huddled against the brightest wall as they heard constant grunts, shots, and blasters sound from outside. They did get bounced around a lot and at one point, the room became a one second washing machine, which told them Arnold had done a backflip or he was thrown. A minute later, a high pitched scream and untranslateable scream and threat was heard and then silence. There was a sigh and the three felt the wall moved in a petting motion.

"Are you three alright? Pennywise shouldn't be coming back for a while," Arnold said, starting to walk back to Dreamverse.

"Y-you're not going to kill us?" Sally asked as Emily hugged her arm. Arnold chuckled.

"No, I may be an assassin and a killer, but I only kill if I have to. You three are safe, seeing as there's no bounty on your head," he replied. Zero scoffed but made himself comfortable anyway.

"Thanks for saving us," Sally smiled, touching the walls making Arnold hum.

"Any time my little friends, now let's get you back to Dreamverse, yes?" he asked. Sally, Emily and Zero readily agreed. They walked for some time, Arnold telling them a few stories and Zero replying with a few shitty jokes that made everyone facepalm. When they arrived at Dreamverse, and when Allison noticed the Terminator, she summoned her weapon, which if I remember correctly, is a huge and dangerous chainsaw. She waited to see if he would attack and the people of Dreamverse were already off the streets and hiding, no one daring to mess with him. Arnold carefully coughed out Sally, Zero and Emily and setted them gently on the ground. He used his metal hand to dry them off by heating it enough so it wouldn't burn them, but would quickly dry them. He bidded them good-bye for now and saw Allison, who looked at him with anger and jealousy. He stood up and gave her a slight smirk and left, letting Dreamverse slowly come back to life as he vanished back to the forests. Allison made her chainsaw vanished and ran to Sally and the others.

"Sally! OMG are you okay?!" She asked grasping her friend's shoulder. Sally nodded and was about to explain what happened when Zero stepped in.

"Pennywise tried to kidnap us, and the Terminator saved our asses," he summed, getting a smack from Emily who didn't like his interruptions. Sally sighed but nodded.

"Yeah, that's what happened," she said. Allsion growled.

"I should've been there to save you, not him," she muttered angerily. Sally smiled softly and gave her a hug.

"Its alright Allison, the important thing is everyone is safe. Now, shall we go home?" Sally asked as Zero jumped on her head again. Emily nodded and started to walk towards their home in the Dreamverse castle. Allison followed close behind. She didn't trust Terminator and for good reason. Someone as dangerous as all her enemies combinded wouldn't have helped Sally unless it was to gain something from it. Allison growled again. She'd have to watch her egos more closely from now on.

The End! I hope this helps you Ally! :D

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