Knockout x Miko TFP

713 13 8

For @Jack5555583 enjoy!
Also a quick note, this is taking place after KO decided to join the Autobots

"Could this day go by any slower?!" Miko whined, leaning against Knockout's helm. Bulkhead and Wheeljack were out on a "mission" and since everyone else had things to do, they drafted Knockout to watch the punky, reckless human girl.

He didn't like that.

Miko knew that because she heard him grumbling about it. Something along the lines of "I'm a doctor, not a babysitter".

Knockout was nothing like Bulkhead or Wheeljack. The medic was just flat out boring in Miko's opinion. She liked him enough, and he was a great streetcar racer, but when it came to watching after her, he'd tell her to sit quietly while he worked on what he works on. He never took her out on trips and would just work.

"Maybe it would go faster if you stopped complaining Miko," Knockout grumbled, setting his tools down. Miko scowled at him and he frowned back.

"I don't get why every time the bots leave you in charge of me, we do absolutely nothing!" she cried angerily. Knockout was in no mood for her tantrums. Knockout rolled his optics and set her on the table in front of him.

"Because last time I took you out with me, we went street racing via your suggestion, and you ended up injured via YOUR reckless behavior!" Knockout scowled at the young teen. Miko made an exasperated sound and scowled back.

"Well can't we TRY something fun?" she asked, "Like hide and seek?" Knockout looked at her funny. He'd played the human game before when he was chasing down a predacon fossil some time ago but he never actually played, played it before. He sighed and nodded, seeing as this child was starting to wear him out. Miko smiled and quickly went over the rules and bolted off, leaving Knockout to count and find her. It really only took him five minutes to find her. Miko whined and called him a cheater and they had a rematch. The continued and repeated itself 6 times over. On the 7th try, Knockout was growing annoyed again and was about to just call it quits when he had a much better idea. He counted again and looked for Miko, finding her within minutes.

"Gotcha again human," he smirked holding the upside-down girl in front of his face. Miko scowled and crossed her arms

"You're a cheater KO," she spat, "Now put me down!" Knockout shrugged and threw her into his mouth, hit with a strong taste of honey and ginger. He smirked and tossed her around, coating her in thick blue saliva. Miko couldn't register what was happening until Knockout started to swallow her. She yelped and tried to stop her decent.

"H-Hey! What in the pits are you doing, spit me out!!!" Miko screamed, thrashing around like crazy. Knockout purred at her squirming and chuckled, swallowing hard. He traced her squirming form into his fuel tank. Miko, once having landed in said fuel tank, began to kick and bang at the walls.

"LET ME OUT OF HERE YOU SCRAPHEAP!!!" she screamed at him. Knockout hummed and sat down, seeing bumps on his belly come and go. He smirked and chuckled at her antics.

"Keep that up, and the answer is no. Besides, I know you, Bulkhead, and Wheeljack do this so stop being so over dramatic, kid," Knockout said. Miko growled and sat down, but it was true. She and her wrecker buds did this on almost a daily basis. She pouted and slouched against his metallic stomach walls, feeling him go back to work. Knockout went about his work, noticing Miko small presence had stopped moving and a small snoring sound had reached his ears. He smirked again, putting the finishing touches on his new buffer.

"I win," he smiled.

He'd have to play hide and seek more often if it meant getting a nice treat when he wins!

Really short I know, but I kinda ran out of ideas... Sorry! T-T

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